
In the first four hours of owning my new Galaxy Nexus, I managed to download 550MB.

You misspelled "bans".

Simple Mobile already offers an unlimited Voice/Data plan for $40.

What's the acceptable level of meeting-ness (meeting-osity? meeting-itude?) that makes drinks with someone unrisky? I've dated a perfectly sane-seeming woman who ended up being complete self-serving sociopath.

Warning: There's a picture of a dissected eye in this article.

Please do try to add sarcasm tags when you're being sarcastic like that. I almost thought you were serious.

Regressive. No one's 'conservative' any more.

Yeah. That's why he follows it up with all the various famous people who were anti-forced-birth. This puts the Regressives in the position of having to say that famous heroes of by-gone days were wrong.

He really needs to put a human face on it. If he can't find a married mother who would have died if not for an abortion (though it might be hard since they'd have to come to him, due to HIPAA, the constitution, rights, etc), he needs to frame it in a hypothetical sense.

Proved me wrong, nothing. Only thing you demonstrated was a lack of a sense of humor.

That baby looks like it's plotting to kill us all.

There was nothing sarcastic about the "shame on jezebel..." part of your rant.

I think you A) missed my sarcastic tone and B) are mistaken about open marriages. A marriage is open if one or more people have permission to fuck around, not if *everyone* is doing it.

Holy FSM, you mean someone in the world exists that *actually* pronounces it like Britta does? I thought that was just a joke.

If something only looks pretty if you're at a far distance from it, or if you squint your eyes or look at it after being punched really hard in the face, it doesn't actually look pretty.

Well, consoles don't change. So... you're going to have to wait for the entirely new set of consoles to come out, and no, the Wii U probably doesn't count.

But how do we know those moderators will be the ones in charge of the debates? Currently, the Republican moderators certainly don't seem to be controlling the circus. If the Republicans manage to manipulate who's running the debates, we have circuses focused on condemning 32-year-old mothers-of-two to death because

Then your love is of seven year old hardware known as 'consoles', not 'the Unreal engine'. They're the ones holding technology back.

Well duh.

I worry. What guarantee do we have that this same anti-issue circus won't be what the presidential debates are made of?