"bagebers"? That didn't get a [sic]?
"bagebers"? That didn't get a [sic]?
Maybe it's because I'm still in my 20s but I don't find the actual airplane part of flying that bad. If the flight is under 3 hours I don't even get my complimentary beverage because I find having the tray down annoying. I keep my armrest(s) down and I will say something if my space is invaded, but otherwise I put on…
Yeah, no not even a little bit. I paid my bajillion dollars for my uncomfortable ass seat, and I want all of that bastard. I want to recline my seat like, two inches. You can have the armrests, I don't give a shit. But you're not getting an inch of my seat real-estate.
Yeah I'm sorry… but no. As much as I hate fat shaming and don't think heavier people should have to pay more, like fuck if I'm giving up space I paid for so wider people (not only fat people but also men like my husband with shoulders like a linebacker) can be more comfortable. I dare you to ask me on a flight and…
He's learning the ropes and dining out with a more experienced friend, he expects a little guidance. I don't think that is out of line. I do find it weird she wouldn't just say something. Hey, dude, did you know almost all soup is made with chicken broth? Even vegetable soup?? Friends are there to look out for us!
So this the fabled 'dog side of the force'.*
Pic mostly unrelated,
Hell yeah you can join!
Why not put male models or something in the photoshoot?
In other news, the sky is chartreuse and grass is orange. I know that is going to sound ridiculous to some people but I don't care because I'm very right. How do I know I'm right? Because I ended that sentence with "I'm very right." So I win and you lose and I'm rubber and you're glue and no takesies backsies times…
I also like the line "For some of you, this is going to come off as very misogynistic." Like for people who understand English? What an idiot.
Breaking down gender roles? No, this is comedy.
The longer it goes the weepier I get.
Not to mention taping their mouths shut :/ That part I didn't agree with.
I'm actually more concerned about the abuse of the snakes. It seems to me like the massage sessions might cause them quite a bit of stress if they have to do for prolonged periods of time.
yep. i lost two cats before this to crappy dry kibble filled with cheap fillers and things cats shouldn't eat. my two current cats are largely wet food, with high-quality kibble in moderation, NO GRAINS, and are the happiest, healthiest cats i've ever had, and their fur is glossy and amazingly soft.
Just ignore him. Every study I've ever seen shows dry kibble on the bottom of the list. It pretty much goes raw -> canned / cooked -> premium dry -> cheap dry.
LED Flashights are awesome and a must have, but candles are good to keep around too. They produce a good amount of light and last for awhile, and the heat they provide is a great plus too. Just have to be careful not to start a fire. #stayingeekout
@akashhhhh: Yeah, you guys just need to read the "Put Together a Mud Slide Home Emergency Kit"; the "Put Together a Wild Fire Emergency Evacuation Kit"; and "Put Together an Earthquake Survival Kit" instead. #stayingeekout