
Me too! I've been trying to lose weight myself, not for vanity but for health reasons, it's not easy work.

It's moments like these we laugh at everyone saying "JRPGs rarely come out anymore" because that can't be further from the truth. What is true however is that too few of them make it to full localization. And that many of these RPGs are on handhelds, and especially Vita has a bright future in it (3DS is no slouch forgot the fedora. NEVER FORGET THE FEDORA!

you mean to tell me a bunch of likely drunk simpsons characters arent more mature than two chimpanzees?

"PC Master Race" is a great example. Until a few years ago it was a self-deprecating pun. These days, people actually post it in seriousness.

Current selection too mainstream for you, hipster? Go slurp on a chai latte, you over-sized framed glasses wearing, acoustic guitar playing... I forget where in going with this.

As a PC gamer I'm often ashamed of how other PC gamers act. Then again, I also am a console gamer. That makes me doubly ashamed since console gamers are just as bad. Not worse, AS BAD. As a gamer in general I just can't understand why people make these dogmatic allegiances to one platform over the other and try to

"Mature" and "fanbase" are a contradiction in terms. Even Dickens and Shakespeare have some pretty immature, annoying fans. It's just we tend to call them "pretentious" instead of "fanboys."

We'll have PS4 and Xbone emulators in 15-20 years anyway. I can wait.

You embarrass us PC gamers by making us all look like childish ass hats like yourself.

Seriously? Can you not make a mockery of PC gamers? You sound like a 14 year old kid who just discovered his first boner. Its like youre trying to put down the Xbone and PS4 fanboys for arguing/putting each other down, then you do the same. Just stop.

OMG, you're so cool! Let's play killzone on our PCs... oh wait, we can't.

So long as companies continue releasing games, I'll continue playing them.

Sounds amazing.. sadly, a wee bit more than the under $500 price point of a console, but hey, thank you for staying on point with us.

Terry Crews is a playstation man:

I own a pc mustard race...

behold! the 'glorious' pc race!