
Bill Barr shows up in the first paragraph! That’s really telling. Is the coverup worse than the crime?

Also there doesn’t need to be any quid pro quo for him to be impeached for asking a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent. 

For all the trolls bleating about the supposed lack of an “explicit quid pro quo,” it’s right there in the middle of the fucking call:

My favorite thing right now is the scuttlebutt on the DC insider sites that the whistleblower is actually ... John Bolton. I’d be very surprised, but how utterly delightful would that little tidbit be, eh?

I feel like it won’t work this time because the Democrats (and the media, it seems) finally aren’t playing along with this bullshit. Did everyone just fucking snap finally?

You must have missed the part where Trump publicly said that he did withhold the military funds.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Impeachment proceedings during an election year.

The idea of his misery delights me.

Counting down to “I never said I would release the transcript....

Naaah, he’ll never do it. He’ll keep saying “I’d love to release the transcript.” “I’m looking forward to releasing the transcript,” he’ll say. “I hope to release the transcript very soon,” he’ll say. “I’ll be happy to release the transcript as soon as you open another DOJ investigation into Hillary Clinton’s

it’ll be over and done with by January

There you go. If Trump had ever even once faced a consequence for his actions, we’d all be a lot better off. But here we are. He gets told, “you’re violating laws” and he says “do something about it” and nothing happens.

I did that bad thing, so what?” has been the mantra this shitstain has lived his entire life by and not one single fucking person in a position of power ever stood up to him and said “It’s illegal, that’s what” and held him accountable.

The idea that people like this are even being interviewed and having their views be taken seriously is so fucking frustrating.  Can we PLEASE stop giving airtime to these morons?  If the main reason that this country goes down in flames is because perfectly fine woman candidates are seen as bitches by the electorate,

Totally agree. Reminds me of the idea that people would vote for Bush the Lesser because they “could have a beer with him” - I don’t want a president I’m comfortable having a beer with.  I want a president so intelligent, with such a grasp of the issues, that I’m terrified I’ll say something stupid in their presence

I wish we would shut the fuck up about white working class voters. They’re a lost cause and hell bent on voting against their own self-interest. We’ve had two Democratic Presidents when two consecutive terms without them, yet we’re obsessed with courting those five living Reagan Democrats. Those people will never vote

the latest scandal in which he is accused of improperly extorting Ukrainian officials

It’s absolutely mind blowing how that motherfucker hasn’t stroked out by now.

This is totally par for the course for Bernie’s supporters, a cohort of edgelords for whom politics has become a tribal bloodsport, yet paradoxically have nothing of substance at risk with any of these elections (save their egos). They will gleefully shipwreck this country and all our futures in the name of