
"If you can't grasp the concept of protesting, I'm not sure the Occupy movement will make much sense to you. "

I think your first paragraph exposes the unlikelihood of the second. No one cares about OWS anymore because no one knows exactly what they want. OWS had momentum for a while because people cared about them generally, but when they didn't coalesce into something specific, message-wise, people stopped caring. When no

"or, god help you, to anyone who buys one going forward."

Is it just me or is his hand really weird?

Might want to proof read that first paragraph.

@Dr. Clockwork Again, as I mentioned above, The DIlophosaur was the one that ate Newman. It had the dual-crest on its head:

The dilophosaur was the one that ate Newman.

Fantastic bit of writing, and an earnest attempt to position an opinion across the gulf of inconsistent zealots to the land of reasonable analysis of a software platform, and not the janky hardware slopped together to show it off.


Holy giant bezel, Batman!

Here's the thing I always ask myself when I read articles like this: Why should I care that google has collected a list of every website I visit? What could they possibly do with that list that could harm me?

Since when was Office slow? Even on my pentium dual core laptop, it loads just as fast as any other program (except maybe Chrome, which is silly fast).

Well done, sir!

The damage is impressive, but I have to say the SOUND that thing makes is what's really scary!

In before mention of something having to do with a nuclear reactor!

Bootlegged != leaked

FYI, your facebook post reads: "Chameleon Window Manager Snaps Windows, Minimizes Them to Tray with Extra Buttons in the Windows Tit"

That was my first thought.

Cut and paste.