Yea, I'm thinking about the second one. I liked the first.
Yea, I'm thinking about the second one. I liked the first.
Why does the Avengers movie poster look just like the one for fantastic four? The crappy fantastic four. I would think they would want to distance themselves from that hot mess like it was a nuclear bomb...
My parents had a feeder with a mechanical, weight-triggered perch around the bottom for birds. If something the weight of a squirrel landed on it, it spun. Every once in a while a good-gripped-rodent would go for quite a ride. Especially since the thing is essentially 3 stories in the air.
BUt it was well done. Didn't the same anime house that did Aeon Flux and parts of The Animatrix do it?
I did not realize there WAS a director's cut. Evening planned.
Arguably true. While I enjoyed Pitch Black and CoR, as well as Dark Athena, Escape from Butcher Bay was just a lot of fun.
ROFLMAO. Well played sir!
As much as I like the F35, and I do think it's a good looking fighter; Even it, next to those oh-so-sexy F-16s, looks plain dull.
Mine too!
But OH the irony! The head of Slytherin house is killed by a snake!
Then you get it, and you don't realize it. He was the penultimate good bad-guy. He was willing to risk everything for someone he hated (Harry). He was willing to submerge himself in evil, and do bad things (killing his good friend and mentor) in order to provide information to those who could use it. So in those…
The google+ android app is essentially the equivalent of this hardware button. I'm a BIG fan.
Oh, and the fact you can't opt out of their emails is TEH SUK!
And no tracks to keep every month...!
License issues with the (c) holders.
Tried it. Liked it. Sticking with Zune.
Be aware: you cannot opt out of their emails!!
Help me here... relevance to the Giz gadget blog is...?
Had the same problem. We got one of those hummingbird feeders that attaches with a suction cup. It worked.