
I’m pretty sure I am dumber for having just watched this, and it was so bad I was in disbelief of what I saw and had to back it up and watch it a second time to make sure I wasn’t having some kind of bad hallucination. Wow that was astonishingly awful.

I watch a ton of low budget horror flicks, and I don’t think I have ever see ‘effects’ that astonishingly bad before. That was amazing. 

Haters will say it’s CGI because the airbags didnt deploy from such a tragic accident

“WAIT! You can’t shoot him! ... they’ll know it was a gun!”

This movie will never not be so bad it’s good.

Please tell me that was a student film.

I’m going to sue you for exposing that to me.

What in the fuck did I just watch

Wow.  There are no words.

Someone at Bentley should have done the same thing, the Bentayga looks like garbage from all angles.

May I assume you’ve never driven either car? I have driven both in mixed driving and neither one has a problem keeping up with 80 mph traffic. I believe the BRZ/86 could use a little more power but “too underpowered to feel comfortable in traffic”? Not a chance. If you’re even close to middle age then you’ve probably

You’d have to be insane to launch a new attainable sports car right now. I know I’ll be flamed to death but that segment is dying a slow, agonizing death.

This is fantastic, Jason. Well done.

I think you need to be more clear... are they entitled assholes or are they not? I can’t tell.

Or as it’s put in the article “sorta-racist”.

The details are that they’re entitled assholes

Entitled asshole car company that makes cars for entitled assholes, acts like an entitled asshole. Details at 11

I would 100% be doing this. I can wait longer to make someone in front of me miserable for flipping me off earlier. 

Hey fulviafan55, I cringed when I read your first comment because I tell what you were getting at and knew what was coming. I just wanted to say, kudos for taking it well, here’s a pat on the back across the internet. We all have one of those days from time to time, and everyone makes mistakes, it’s how we handle them

I do believe that she was spewing hate, and I worded my response poorly. I was trying to say that I respect Thunberg, and that I hate people who use personal insults against people they don’t agree with. I’m not Thunberg’s biggest fan, but I’m not going to insult her, especially about something she has no control

I probably should have worded that better. I meant that I wouldn’t insult Thunberg like that.