
Unless the work vehicle is not the sales call vehicle, then the Soul is OK since he needs advertising wrap space besides transportation. But again, something odd is not the impression he wants to leave. Everyone who knows anything will know the Soul is cheap and practical, it has some wrapping area, and he could do

I think most of these are reasonable options. The Soul is modern, funky, could be used for business, and gets great mpgs. The S-Cargo is AWESOME and unique and wrappable and did I mention AWESOME. The old Jeep would stand out and would be cool with a wrap.

And considering how bad people are at driving in 2 dimensions, just wait to see what idiots manage to do in 3.

I don’t need to explain to you how much less it costs to operate a commuter vehicle when you don’t go for broke each time your drive, right? Even my RDX which drinks premium is getting excellent life out of it’s wearable components (tires, brakes, oil - it calculate when to change), and better fuel economy than EPA

I think you’d be surprised by just how unimportant outright speed is to a lot of auto enthusiasts. A.) because “outright speed” often means $$$ most of us don’t have, and B.) speed is just one aspect of a car/driving. You’ve got your enthusiasts who love their squishy ‘70's American luxobarges, your enthusiasts who

Hypermiling is a thing.  So is spending as little as one can on one’s conveyance yet still having fun.  There are lots of weird car flexes that can be construed as enthusiast.  

I fail to see the hot take in this. 

His beat isn’t cars, but the larger industry in general. Also so what if he's not some hellcat testing Texan with a Miata and a penchant for race cars: it takes all kinds.


Half the cars on the road would be a win in my book. More driving for pleasure or errands, less driving for drudgery/commuting

I am a car (and steam engine) enthusiast and am lucky enough not to need a car. Or a traction engine, for that matter, indeed I would be annoyed now if I did, even living in the very rural back of beyond the bus comes within half a mile four times a day, delivery drivers almost always find the house and in extremis,

This and similar comments I can get on board with. As much as I love driving and cars, I rarely find myself enjoying it during commute time. The sheer number of cars and sheer number of drivers with their noses buried in their phones has really changed the landscape. On a weekend when the roads are empty or even late

I don’t know about you, but I’m a car enthusiast, not a traffic enthusiast.

You poor snowflake. 

Considering how much commuting by car can corrupt a person, I’d rather have most people go around using public transport.

If fewer people need a car, then life will be better for those of us who want a car.

there’s a difference between enthusiasm for something and reality, reality is every year 30K-40K people die in automotive accidents. I can still enjoy learning about how a vehicle works or hooning in an empty parking lot while also acknowledging that we should push less people to own them for daily driving with civil

I love cars and have been reading this site for many years, but you know what I love more? Taking a < 30 minute bus ride to/from work. Fuck sitting in rush-hour traffic. A majority of the roads in this country suck ass from an enthusiast standpoint anyways.

The opinion of the site actually seems to be ‘don’t use a car to sit in bumper to bumper traffic while commuting (use public transit at all costs), rather use a car for fun on weekends’.

Yes, on the Mazda 6 since 2014. As I stated in the article.