
I whole-heartedly concur.

On a slightly related note, re: people who call and expect customer service to bend over backwards because they are calling long distance....why? Just...why?!

Yeah, seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if @thetip never got an actual manager in any of these calls. If a manager were paid to take calls just because the customer 'felt like' speaking to him, he'd be on the floor and on the phones, not a manager. Some centres make it nearly impossible to get a manager on the line

This is....SO SPOT ON.

I have no problem when they ask it just because it's their job.

Thank you for this. I think you said it a little more calmly than I did lol (I know I can come off as very brash). Hearted.

To be fair, I'm only 21 so I'm not THAT far from my teens haha but yah this drives me nuts. I'm a very anxious person and let me tell you that the moments JUST before having to enter somewhere where I know I'm going to be carded literally make me want to vomit with fear. I'm just constantly afraid that some bouncer is one is telling you to feel sorry for us. People don't have to be dicks about it and point it out like it's not something we're already aware of, that's all.

That's basically the finale for *EVERY Next Top Model show besides ANTM (but as of next season Tyra's going with a live finale as well).

When I was younger, I'd often be watching TV or in my own world, only to have someone walk up to me, gently place their finger under my bottom lip and literally shut my mouth for me. It always caught me by surprise (I don't think I breathed through my nose, I just always had this dumb slack-jawed expression when I was

No, now it's "Haters please observe the left-hand evacuation procedure".

LOL that is AMAZING. Did you make that up? It looks like something people would re-post over and over again on the internet.

Oh yah, no doubt texts are whatever to me but I'm still paranoid about (even faceless) pics because I mean, if dudeguy shows my pic to like, a mutual friend that has met me in person, it wouldn't be hard for them to picture me naked I don't think, so it's not like I could go back and DENY DENY DENY. There would be no

I think it's because there are so many assholes out there posting people's naked pictures that were sent to them in confidence all over the internet which benefits exactly no one. I mean I get that you can't stop people from doing what they wanna do but damn, celebrities especially should calm the fuck down with that

Ah, ok that makes A LOT more sense.

This thread is such a mindfuck. At first I was like haha they're all getting along while pretending to be snarky to eachother...wait, is actually being snarky...I think? No, WAIT.

(Page 5) "Another former student, who asked not to be named because his child currently attends the school"


My friend ALWAYS replaces the n-word with 'Brothas'. Whether it's in the title or he's rapping along to a song he uses brothas instead without skipping a beat.
