
“is this really worse than any other big convention?”

Big Edit: Actually, I was wrong. And one of the Twitter posts explained it.

Yeah. The way the article explained it was strange.

Think the article meant trolls/conspirators were intentionally disconnecting to force the other player to advance. Throwing a match is considered bad.

Internet Learn What A Joke Is Challenge (Impossible)

Apparently the game comes out in about a week (June 20th) and this is the first news I’ve heard about it since the Announcement Trailer.

So ... when Miles shoots his webbing with Gwen will be be gay or?

Read that as “ Nintendo loves the new subscription model because why sell folks the games they want to play forever when we know enough people will pay monthly to play Super Mario World? “

That doesn’t seem terribly surprising since porn is one of the main reasons people still buy Blu-Ray. And why Video Stores are still around at all.

Sounds legit to me. Put Mario/Peach in their late 20s/early 30s.

Don’t think that at all.

When I am spending my money, it absolutely is about me.

Getting that “this is either going to be utterly terrifying or completely silly” vibe from all this “Mature” talk

Try not to be so greedy

A mistake here and there, sure.

Erm, we saw a different movie every time -

Seems like a waste of time to Review Bomb a movie that 90% of its target audience made the decision to see before we even saw a trailer.

We’ll judge that when the last part releases in 2047. 

Yeah. That 10%

If Square didn’t already have a reputation for being an absurd about of detail into mundane things or making nonsensical design choices this would be scandalous.