Fake, no one filming with a vertical aspect ratio has the hand coordination, speed, focus to do something like this.
Fake, no one filming with a vertical aspect ratio has the hand coordination, speed, focus to do something like this.
Didn't jump fast enough...
*Jumps out of the way of the pseudo-intellectual mathematiktionalists stumbling this way to say, "nuh-uh!"*
Screw popular Rainbowdurr. I and Baconburd are like total nihilistic individuals together.
Seaspan doesn't list the Harvestor as a log barge on their website.
To all the people freaking out on captain obvious here...people, that man on camera? He's FAT. F-A-T. He's not just a bit extra squishy from one too many rendezvous with the cheesedip...he's got an unhealthy amount of adipose tissue and he looks unhealthy. If he were in Japan he'd be considered quite fat. It is what…
Haha..since we both aren't from over there I appreciate your sarcasm ;)
Rogue in the comics is strong.
Rogue in the movies is just a very weak emo love interest.
You are not making any sense.
Well what do you expect...Bobby's with Kitty now...because of ice-skating :S
Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasting time.
I'm tired of "No life" posts on articles like this. You don't get to decide what makes life valuable - posting on Kotaku is hardly a valuable contribution to society is it? No. People do what makes them happy, fuck what other people think.
Change the name of a planet for some infantile American speaking people? "Your anus" and "Uranus" do not even sound the same in English. I mean real English.
Just pronounce it You-ran-us (like it should be) if you're talking about it seriously, and Your-anus if you want to have a childish giggle.
You don't already do all of those things at a party?
Here, enjoy her being attractive while shilling gum.
Nozomi Sasaki. You can thank the poster Squeezit for finding it.
Or, you know, you could use the TinEye Reverse Image Search plug-in... tineye.com then download the plugin for your browser... adds an option to the right-click (or Apple's Hold-Click) context menu.
Indestructible, you say?
Two hours to launch a major explosion... Are you sure we aren't watching an episode of Dragonball Z?
But wait, so when Link goes into drawing mode and the camera zooms down...they UN-tilt everything?? That's crazy.
Doctors HATE him