
I 100% know what my halloween costume is going to be next year...

Welp, the person who made this is almost definitely a time traveler.

what I’m picturing right now

I am the bowl

To be a complete pedant, there was times when there were more than one!

up until mid 20th century there was only one Korea

I would really like for an expansion to get me into this game. I have like 650 hours in Civ V and 30 in Beyond Earth & Civvi. Here’s hopin they literally turn this into Civ V with better graphics and animations so I can get back into the game #HalfSarcasticMaybeNotReallyHalf

Shit, I want to star both comments but it sucks that you are right.

No, the one that recognizes there are problems with the system and tries to help others regardless.

The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?

This is the America I know and love.

  Congratulations! You have won today’s internet award for pedantry.

Luckily for me the Echo officially launched in Canada today and I received mine yesterday. I just told Alexa to set me a reminder to revisit this thread in 5 years haha.

Let’s talk in five years, Beaver Jr.

Can’t these arguments be made about every phone and most apps also?

Everyone knows the real currency will be bottlecaps.

I have a friend whose great-uncle (well into his eighties at the time) thought that Y2K was going to be the end of all things human. He prepped by buying 5 acres in a rural setting, putting up a trailer home, and a security fence. He bought a huge amount of gold coin (low six-figures) and buried it on property. Stocks

To be fair they are just pandering to their audience. Alot of people are wondering what comes next after Trump decides to start WWIII because North Korea hurt his feelings.

Now playing

ooh! She’s on the Michael Phelps diet. Still damn impressive that she’s not an Olympian.