
Nice surprise! I loved these games. Had a nice sense of scale, and the economy stuff was really cool.

A GOPer is trying to keep the black man down while exercising his right to bear arms. What’s so fishy about that?

macho macho man, i got to be a macho man

Oh god. I guess I pretty much have to now.

Yeah I ran FO:NV on a 560 Ti for years with zero issues. Something’s wrong with your system.

Guys should use this technique.

I always knew those Pats fans were an insurgency waiting to happen.

I love it when shopkeepers are more powerful than end-game bosses.

A “Bust” Bust?

i don’t get it....

Mythical for you, perhaps. ;)

So, I guess we know which character Krieger will be playing!

Did she just magic spell her bra off?

Sup, Kit Fisto.

that unicorn must feel like this.

Here’s the only Yoshimitsu you’ll ever need.

Now get to work on Skate Goat. Please.

Putin ‘H'!

I’ve had the Steam version sitting for months now, never played it because I heard there was going to be a big patch that addressed balance complaints, improved graphics, bugs, etc., so I figured I’d wait.