It looks like a very similar game.... WoW.
It looks like a very similar game.... WoW.
Should of put his ass in jail for a weekend.
Was hoping for armor with nipples. Disappointing.
Hopefully Japan will not start going war crazy and start annexing/invading other countries again... Don't forget that Germany was defeated in the WWI... then came back with a vengeance in WWII.
This last one was the most faithful recreation therefore the best. The ice skating guy is 2nd. The rest change to much.
Personally waiting for mod to turn all my citizens into apes a la planet of the apes.
fuck shower spiders dude
Yeah, I would probably still be playing the Smash64 but the lag with 4 players in stupid slow. I never noticed it until I played Melee and went back and tried Smash64.
It would be kind of tight to see a new Fallout that looked and played like this, reminiscent of Fallout 2.
I downloaded this and can't get it to work... Do I start it up on Steam or is there another way.
I will buy this shit.
I call it a work day.
It's illegal to be fat in Japan.
I played Assassins Creed for 5 minutes and never played again.
In Korea, you eat Alien!
The worst are the people who throw the game because people aren't listening to the way he tells everyone to play.... like dude, play your own character.
I remember this dude told everyone not to pick a character, and when someone did he threw the game by running to their spawn all game and spending all his money of…
You just got served.
4. B
5. A
Cause? WWII.
Suck it.
I like alot of what you like, except I have never tried durian ( althought I might ) and I don't think I would try century eggs though... ( although I tend to lick very sour / pickled / fermented foods ) What does the century egg taste like?
Exactly, I mean shit I don't even eat the legs an claws when I eat crabs unless they are Jumbo or bigger. I just throw them out cuz its such a pain. But then again, a turantula is pretty much the size of a Jumbo crab.... So maybe?