
Pretty sure there isn’t an HOA in the world that has a rule that says “no tunnelling under your house”

The biggest issue a lot of the “experts” seem to have with her is that she is not a formally educated “expert.”

It’s clear they’re going to make a joint statement and even more clear that they’re in deep deep grief. Give the cast some space. No one wants to be in the situation that Paul McCarthy was when John died. 

I’ve been kind of moved by the recurring guest stars’ posts about Perry. Brooke Shields, Lauren Tom and Morgan Fairchild have posted lovely things.

I’m sure that did not diminish her love for Spears.

You can add Wil Wheaton to the list of exploited child actors.

Britney’s memoir was a lot of what I expected. I feel like she could have been a lot harder on her family than she was. I know there are people that are upset that Britney did not detail illicit drug use but I always felt Britney’s issues were more a combo of mental illness and alcohol. If Britney was using all the

Yup, a simple: “I was a douche and I’ve learned since then and am sorry for having been a douche”

That sounds so cool! And God knows, anything is better than the bouquet toss. At my friend’s New Orleans wedding, she did cake pulls with fortunes on the end instead of the bouquet toss.

There’s an important distinction that gets lost in nearly every discussion of “high-maintenance” women vs. “chill, “low-key,” etc. And that is the distinction between what you are doing/paying for yourself, and what you are asking of others.

This calls for a deep-dive Congressional investigation into why Freedom Caucus members are being singled out for persecution!

‘I am on the board’

Ooh, Abuelita’s been kicking up a fuss!

Yes, they obviously know who you are, which is why they, probably, cackled themselves to sleep last night.

Wow, that was some quality victim blaming here. This news wasn’t atrocious enough without psychopathic commenters rearing their heads up I guess...

I thought it was pretty accepted that when super rich people have charities, those are usually just a way for them to funnel money back into their other enterprises. Twas ever thus.

I am happy for any person who wants to be pregnant and have children to be able to do so—everyone has their own path. However. As someone who had kids on the cusp of 40, I will never not be a little bit disappointed that the stars didn’t align for me to have children when I was younger. Having babies when older is

This Is Us is a terrible show that shouldn’t exist.

Going through tons of clothes in multiple different locations, washing them, repairing them, taking photographs to put online is not a simple easy get rich quick scheme. To create a curated vintage store with a following that is profitable is work. No one is taking away all the good clothes, the people reselling them

“What I’ve learned on TikTok is that I can’t shop at thrift stores because I contribute to the gentrification of thrift store prices,” she says. “But I also shouldn’t shop at fast places like Forever 21 because they use child labor sweat shops.” She can’t afford high fashion either, and can’t shop from Amazon because