Because in America female breasts should only be for the sexual enjoyment of men. Any time a woman uses them for the purpose that nature intended, the collective fragile masculinity shatters.
Because in America female breasts should only be for the sexual enjoyment of men. Any time a woman uses them for the purpose that nature intended, the collective fragile masculinity shatters.
I get offended by racist white asshole bitches that complain about how they are not being able to say whatever they want without being held accountable. Yes you’re a fucking moral dinosaur asshole, you’re views are backwards and your time is over. Equality is at hand and globalization in inevitable. If you can’t learn…
Haverchuck FOREVER.
Points for good fake etymology, but no. “Pussy” is just like “sissy” or “girly” or “you got sand in your vagina?”. It’s a way of insulting someone, almost always a man, by comparing him to women.
the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.
Rome treated conquered tribes worse than modern societies, russia, china, us, australia, etc. For instance first thing they did in england was to gang rape the queens daughters in front of her. They paraded conquered tribal chiefs in rome while people threw rotten food at them then cut off their heads. They built…
No, that shit doesn’t fucking fly anymore. You don’t get a pass for being racist just because “you were born in another time”. There are plenty of olds out there who treat everyone with respect, regardless of their race, religion or gender.
“When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.”
“After bringing up the Roger Ailes controversy, the third-oldest Trump spawn proceeded to insinuate that “strong” women do not let themselves be placed in situations where they can feasibly be harassed—and that his sister “wouldn’t allow herself to be objected [sic] to it.”
I totally agree on all of those. It’s taking some time, but I feel like we might be making a slow push towards that. Gender roles are just simply played out. Life is boring when you don’t get to learn new things and chase excitement, whatever that may be to an individual. There are still the....uh....purists, I guess…
Because, manly!
I always have to laugh at the type of response that amounts to “x group are crybabies that can’t handle shit” and meanwhile can’t see how ridiculous it is that they are so upset and aggrieved over the issue/ change themselves. So, you are a little crybaby bitch, too, right? Like if the name is such an unimportant,…
I don't for one second believe this is the first time he has raped anyone. I am really surprised that we haven't heard stories from his classmates about him groping them (because you know he was that guy at the parties).
There is septagenarian who sing a song named Kiss my ass,
The head injuries I sustained from my ex left me with epilepsy, yet my father still came out with “I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth, you’re probably both as guilty as each other” (I didn’t lay a finger on the psycho - in fact I froze. He’d flown into a rage because I asked him to leave after I came home from…
Yeah, Dawkin is kind of a butthole and I’d rather not be associated with him.
Another biggie, don’t give the TSA any greif over stuff like having to take shoes off, or having to take liquids out of luggage to go through the scanner. I’ve seen this happen a bunch lately, when asked to take shoes off, people still leave them on and have to make trips from the scanner back to the conveyor to put…
I’m one of those people who is crazy until I’m sitting at the gate looking at my plane so I’m usually 2 or 3 hours early to the airport anyway. But I know a lot of people who like to get there right as the plane is boarding and I assume these are the people who are missing their flights. Get to the airport with enough…
There should be a sequel to The Craft where Robin Tunney is now a happily married mother and one day Fairuza Balk shows up, with her powers back, on a mission to destroy her life, so Tunney has to start a new coven with Neve Campbell and Rachel True to stop her.
Like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle or a V.C. Andrews…