Avery is probably going to get out even though there’s a big chance he really is guilty, and poor Brendan is going to rot in prison, because apparently everyone has either forgotten he exists or no one cares.
Avery is probably going to get out even though there’s a big chance he really is guilty, and poor Brendan is going to rot in prison, because apparently everyone has either forgotten he exists or no one cares.
ONLY from Patsy or Edina, no one else.
Y’know, I’m a fan of the book. It’s a really fascinating read, beautifully written about the mind of a disgusting pedophile. Nabokov pulls no punches about him, and he’s clearly an unreliable narrator, unsympathetic character, and terrible person, while Dolores is a complete victim. But this Lolita subculture thing?…
I’m always baffled how MRAs view sex as something women control for nefarious purposes, like it’s a physical shiny toy we’re holding just out of their reach. We aren’t hiding something that rightfully belongs to humanity in general; we simply want to control our own bodies.
Tried to ask her and my ouija board did something strange:
Fuck you, Hollywood. Just ... fuck you. Right in your stupid ear. Leave my Labyrinth alone. My local indie theater ran four sold-out screenings after Bowie died, and having never seen it on the big screen (but a zillion times on small screens), I was thrilled to finally see Bowie and his Goblin King (*wink*) larger…
this story is creepy and scary. hell don’t be a woman at all.
NBC also filmed themselves knocking on the door of the young woman’s family apartment
In your monogrammed thermos
“in a fucking “right-to-work” state. If I wasn’t expected to “make up” the time I was taking a lunch break, believe me I’d fucking take it”
^^THIS. The erosion of unions is a bunch of medieval bullshit. The 1% have *all time record profits* and productivity, yet they want more, are greedy f*cks and will ride you to…
I had working parents and was an active kid, back in olden times before cell phones existed. And I turned out ok, and so did my friends. The “neccesity’ of cell phones is totally fake, created by Steve Jobs so you would make him a zillionaire. Like, what would happen if we did not have cell phones? We would all be…
She’s an asshole.
I am reminded of a case, years back, in which a very wealthy couple used their children as pawns in a divorce battle (if I have any lacunae in my memory of this, I am sure some J-belles will let me know); and the judge was finally so tired of their shenanigans that she ‘awarded’ the house to the children, and ordered…
The Central Coast is beautiful.
Now everyone, we can discuss the implications of truthful food labels without resorting to different ways you hate mayo...
You probably wouldn’t know unless you happened to ask the right question. The actual Satanists I’ve met - as opposed to attention-seeking pretenders - tend to be very low-key, mellow people.
At this point, it’s really bukaki theater.
Well hell, that’s a valid reason.
WHAT ABOUT THE WOMEN. That is what women want to know. The bulk of the information that we’ve been hearing and reading about in official releases to the press, are 99% self-congratulatory pronouncements about how the law-enforcement people enjoyed working with each other and shared their sandbox so nicely with the law…
@clairedeloony: I can tell you for a fact that dried beans do NOT fix everything and in fact make some things worse. I tried to use them to fix my HP printer and had no luck at all.