
Sigh. Yes, the ‘kidults’. Not all of them are men, but in my experience (and I know anecdote is not evidence) most of them are. I have a dear friend who is one, and in the last couple of years has been divorced so is finally living on his own, after moving out of a trailer in his parent’s back yard. Can’t cook a

It has to be, right? One of those joke postings; sounds like it came out of Portlandia or AbFab or something...please tell me there aren’t really people like this. Mother and son both sound horrible.

Also, a Trump presidency/revolution/whatever would not affect her very much. She is wealthy, successful and white. It would however, affect PoC, LBGT, the poor, working class in horrendous ways.

Going through the symptoms is a pain, I won’t lie. Hot flashes and night sweats are no fun, and neither is wondering if you’re going to have a period or not, but once that shit is all over, it’s great. Your mileage might vary, and I hope it goes smoothly for you as it did for me.

Yeah, there’s a sort of cluelessness about gifts, and if it continues, it seems to me that the people giving aren’t really listening to you or what you’re about. The idea to just give a thing, and their obligation is done.

Yeah, a donut can be un-sellable, but still edible. Like the bagel person, why screw it up for hungry people? It’s not like they have money to buy hot fresh donuts.

What a great boss that was. sorry he got fired. There seem to be fewer and fewer good people like that out there.

Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s asking for the people that work there to organize anything, since anyone who has ever worked a service job in their lives know that they have plenty to do, but there are plenty of people who are under employed or unemployed, and would like to eat would be happy to do something.

The big supermarkets totally do that in the USA. I remember when I was super poor, and would go behind Dangerous Way to try and liberate some slightly blemished tomatoes or such, and yep - covered in bleach. This was back in the 80's. Even then, stores would throw out perfectly good produce that had a blemish or two,

I got a vacuum for Yule one year, and a new lawnmower for Mother’s Day. I actually appreciated it, because he was trying to make my chores easier, but it still left me with an empty feeling, like what I am is a chore machine, and not his wife.

It kind of equates feeding your baby to taking a piss. I don’t want to eat in a bathroom, why should a baby?

I had a cheap pump (all we could afford) and it hurt. I would only expel excess milk at home because I made a lot. I made a lot, and young son would not take a bottle, so I got used to whipping tit out, and very luckily, I had no one getting in my face.

Um, why not just kill yourself? Why take someone with you? What a childish, selfish, fucked up thing to do, especially when there’s no heaven. His life may indeed be devoid of women, but that’s really *his* fault, not that of women.

I am male and unfortunately, I predict that this sort of thing will become more frequent. Why? I think that it has never been harder for men to date than it is now. Or perhaps, more accurately, it has never been more likely that a man’s life will be completely devoid of female contact than right now. This in no way

I’m glad you’re listening and thinking, but you are not comprehending the quote. It does not come to the foregone conclusion that men will kill women; it states very clearly of one thing - fear.

I just love those guys so much.

I still get things like that there, if I can get my size (xl) I got a cute Doctor Who little dress I wear with pants, kind of like the prints above. I like most of what I saw up there, but only a couple of pieces would be flattering. I’m 52, and who says we can’t have fun clothes?

That shit is just ugly. Nothing appetising about it at all. Back in the 80's, where everything was over-the-top, the ice cream parlour I worked at was often admonished for putting a scoop of whatever flavor you wanted on the side of your milkshake/ice cream soda for being too excessive. Now it seems minimalist.

Lots of jobs don’t let you have a break. In California, as far as I know, you get that half hour (unpaid) to eat, or do whatever you want to, and two fifteens, but lots of people I know don’t get that. Restaurant business, we didn’t get our breaks until after the rush, and labor laws are not enforced here in the