
I know! Amananda? And beaches are now possesive? What the hell’s wrong with a nipple? I used mine to feed my son when he was a baby, and I was lucky - no one gave me shit for it, but if some asshole would think that is an open invitation to grab my boob he’d get a kick un the teeth.

Part of a bigger problem. Kids don’t get good meals for many reasons, and some of them are that they don’t have a safety net at home, or grandma or grandpa. Mom and Dad can be unemployed, or what money they do make doesn’t stretch far enough. There is nuance.

Stale bread gives it more body, and it’s a good use for leftover bread. knock some cinnamon into your egg mixture, if you like that sort of thing, and fry it up in some bacon grease, because life is short anyway ;).

ETA: I posted before scrolling down the comments. Nope, shit hasn’t changed at all.

You’re a dumbshit. Quit digging that hole you’re in.

Huh. An improvement I guess, since the 80’s/90’s when I had men throwing things at me on my bike, and forcibly cutting me off. Oh, and having people ask me when they saw me in my jacket with my helmet: “Does your boyfriend have a bike?” I was even accused of doing it for the look.

Stale baugette or boule.

We are lucky to live in such nice and expensive areas, aren’t we? The converse is to be living in cheaper areas where there is no work. They got all this worked out, haven’t they? ;)

And thank you for some oils I haven’t tried yet! Need to check those out. I’m in the central coast area, so we are almost neighbors. Love SF and visit it often.

Do we work with the same guy? I swear, if you don’t like something he likes, you’re an idiot, but if you dare criticise his tastes, he comes back weaponized!

I know, this is Jezebel at its best - a community. I learn so much here, and have seen things I never would have before. Lots of smart people here (and the occasional troll).

Ugh, I remember Sun-In. My sister could use it, but it would turn my brown hair that funky pumpkin (Funky Pumpkin - band name?). I’ve been playing with home made cosmetics to the point of having a small cottage industry in the 90’s, then discovered other people were doing it better with much more capital than I had. I

It’s gotta be better than the Veganaise (or whatever it was called) stuff I tried during a vegan phase. some of the fakes taste really good, and some meat things I could do without, but dammit...cheese. Have yet to try a decent vegan cheese, and that’s what sent me back to the dark side.

Yeah, too right. I had a co-worker grossed out by something I was eating, and he is usually very vocal on what he likes and doesn’t - if he doesn’t, it’s bad crap, and you are a crap person for eating it.

Another Mazz jumping in. Don’t know about it being a lice treatment, but yes, mayo is a good conditioner/hair mask that takes a lot of shampoo and rinsing to get out. That was the trouble with the 70’s make-your-own cosmetics - rinsing. Mashed banana and avocados work well, stale beer for shine, but who wants to smell

Thanks for that. Great way to start off my weekend :D

Motorhead is always appropriate. :D

Guardians had a solid reason for having the old music. The first ST reboot had baby Kirk listening to Sabotage in his stepdad’s car, and as much as I might like 300 year old music (think old folk songs, classical, and some old church music and chants) most people do not. this is a cheesy callback to that first scene.

Good for her! She is so brave to tell her story and to point out how hard it is now to get a simple LEGAL medical procedure that shouldn’t be anyone’s business but hers and her doctor.

Never a big Clara fan myself. Jenna Coleman can certainly act; when she was the Zygon, you could see some of her range, but the character Clara herself just never made me care about her. Trouble is, I was touched when she died two eps ago, and the Doctor bringing her back felt as cheap as Glen living in TWD. I want so