
cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat

Who are these people that want Chris Brown at their event?

The guy escapes with his masculinity intact and I get free booze/food/whatever? Maybe I’m a terrible feminist (and I try to contribute something on dates I really do) but tbh I am totally fine such an arrangement.

I always at least offer to pay, because GENDER ROLES, but also I’m cheap so I’m secretly hoping you say “oh don’t worry about it”

I understand exactly where these parents are coming from. Our daughter had everything going for her when she graduated high school. She went to college, got addicted, and has lost everything as a result. She’s ruined her health, her mind, her relationships, and her future. She stole from everyone, got arrested, has

Once again, dogs are better than humans.

Clear eyes, full hearts, fuck that guy, right?!

I am getting so sick of the whole “This is America, speak English” bullshit from these people. Especially when you walk into a presumably ethnic restaurant and then proceed to put your xenophobia on full display.

Correlation=/=causation. The increase in shootings could be due to any number of things—children who feel victimized and who already have violent impulses being ‘inspired’ by previous shootings; the recession causing economic hardship, thus increased stress, in homes; cuts in social services; the internet making it

Gun control and insurance and access issues aside, why are mental health checkups not a regular part of our encouraged health regimen? Like, you have to feel bad about your life if you don’t go to the dentist every 6 months, but we don’t care about checking to make sure that children aren’t depressed or homocidal or

2005? Oh shit you guys, I’m from 10 years in the future and I have to tell you...shit gets worse. Take all of your money out of the market in 2007, you’ll thank me.

This is not the face of a man. This is the face of a boy.

Right? Like that series of random ad headlines that appears above a photo of somebody’s bare knees that have dents all over them & pea-shaped stones stuck to them? WTF MAN, WTF. Who comes up with this shit, or do they just use random image search?

Isn’t that a picture of Jennifer Aniston?

Thank god there are still hot singles in my area that want to fuck me now.

The lion tattoo is covered with makeup because he is filming a tv show. The “it was a joke” is the joke. :P

As a white person, I’m fucking terrified that Trump is going to make some association on the media and only further the racial divide. I can see Fox having a field day. Ugh.

I second that comment!

As a recovered bulimic, I’d much rather hear a silly joke about it than read about my friends Fitbits or their clean eating plans or their Shake-ology lifestyle.

Maybe. Or maybe they were just feeling really happy and in love that day. Even shitty, dysfunctional relationships have their good days. If they didn’t, people wouldn’t stay in them for as long as they do.