
They won't be able to get you for trace amounts in your system, because, like alcohol, trace amounts don't equal intoxication.

One of the most interesting classes I ever took in university was called "Science and Fiction: Creating Tomorrow", which admittedly had a pretty cheesy name. But man, did that class have some stuff to teach.

I don't understand why so many people think that the fans misunderstood or read too much into the trailer, and that's exclusively where the bile comes from. Trailers tend to be action-y, even in non-action-y things, 'cause action is exciting. There's no arguing that. A movie with a slim amount of action will have that

I hope the Scarlet Witch has an ability called "no more enemies", in which all enemies disappear for a time before slowly popping up and re-infesting the place. This is my dream.

Now playing

So, um. Yeah. Last year's E3 trailer. Just with the song edited in. Yeah.

I'm sure they're long-buried by now, but when I checked earlier a couple people on Youtube had pointed out that most of the music was taken from other sources, with corresponding links. So, yeah. Fake. Unless Nintendo is just trying to throw us off the scent.

Not only that, but if you keep the gun out too long without firing/killing someone, they assume it's empty and rush you. Even after you've fired it once (or twice, or three times). Very disappointing.

Yeah. I'd rather it not go the route of I Am Alive — give the illusion of deciding to kill or spare, but having the "choice" really be either attack first or be attacked.

It's drop-in/-out, so no need to have a dedicated character or anything like that.

I played the campaign entirely on my own the first time, played some with people the second. And as I see it, it's fun definitely more fun to play with people (like a lot of co-op games are), but I still had a great time running through it solo.

I thought it was pretty good. I didn't play the demo (just jumped in), but I'm assuming it was the beginning of the game, since it was a demo + unlock code download. If that's the case, it's definitely a good snapshot of the rest of the game.

Quadra-Slash? Are you thinking of Cyan's Quadra Slice (or earlier Quadra Slam)? 'Cause...Sabin doesn't have anything named that.

Woolsey, you made the right call with the mistranslation. Even if it wasn't intentional.

There was one storyline from last year (I think. It might've been 2010) called "The Best There Is" that tries to explain it away in that his healing factor is adaptive: cut him and the next time you cut him he'll heal faster from that injury, the next time even faster, and so on. Theoretically it'd explain some of it

I know there's another 49 things there, but once I got to "we're treating uneven terrain as actually uneven terrain", everything seemed less impressive.

Aside from the Crawmerax quest (which, if I remember, is in the General Knoxx DLC), it's not too bad to solo through. That was about the only quest I didn't finish — you need to be way high level and have buddies to make it through.

I was a little skeptical about ME3's multiplayer component. But from even the little I've played in the demo, man, is it fun. A buddy asked me to hop on, so I figured I'd be on for about a half hour (2330). No. This didn't happen. More like 0230. It's pretty great, although definitely buggy at times — abilities not

A thousand times this. Even if we ignore that it's not a very good service in and of itself right now (the argument that Steam was rocky at first holds no water: Valve, a small company, were pioneers, and had to see what needed doing. EA is a behemoth that shouldn't be having to say "ten years ago, they sucked too".

Nope! I was champing at the bit for Dance to come out, but I've only watched half of the first season. Since I already know how it's going to go, I don't have the drive to really see what happens in the next episode(s), despite the differences from the books.

I had a coworker a while back that I had this kind of conversation with numerous times, and the conclusion we generally came to was that, insofar as the characters of each, FemShep seemed to be the more well-rounded character; in conversations Hale is more natural, and when renegade doesn't always seem to be on the