
Thanks for giving me another idea on how my seamstress mom can make money. I have not the coordination or the machine to do this but she does. :D

And in other news, water is wet.

May not get it from me but summer is the best/worst time for fanfiction since everyone is out of school then. :)

I have a pretty short list but it coincides with the above, really.

Someone with skills can spin that to make it work still. It's just a matter of time. :)

There is no such thing as a bad idea, just underdeveloped good ideas. :D

I was just going to mention this. Sad no mention of sherlock. That was the first thing that came to mind when I read this.

Everyone is going on about 300, 200, 100, 20 bucks headphones while I kind of sit in my corner with ipod earbuds that i found and sterilized. It survived 3 trips in the laundry and still sounds excellent. I will join you all one day...but not today.

There is that. I am still going to wait and see, though.

Well I used to be a Google Reader user and when I would star a thing, I would have IFTTT save it to Evernote. I tried to do the same thing with Feedly but it only saves the excerpt or URL to evernote, not the full text. It was like 5 articles in before I realized that it won't work. >_>

Man this looks cool. Now hoping that it won't take a hella expensive comupter to run. Everything in my house is like 2010 and earlier-can run the sims 3 with minimal issues but is pushing it a bit.

It's not a bad idea. I'm a heavy pocket user and I would love to use it for permanent saving instead of evernote [not as massive and bulky as evernote and faster with clipping things] but with this move, I am going to stick to my guns- Save something on Pocket, later go back and manually archive it with Evernote. I

It's not a bad idea. I'm a heavy pocket user and I would love to use it for permanent saving instead of evernote [not as massive and bulky as evernote and faster with clipping things] but with this move, I am going to stick to my guns- Save something on Pocket, later go back and manually archive it with Evernote. I

This totally works for the big ones that are permanent. We have 2 [or three] international farmer's markets in Atlanta and letting a chef in there is like a kid in a toy store. My sister is a chef and I am really getting into cooking so we just kind of run around and try everything. I only go occasionally but she

They'll just add it to your account and when you buy something, they will just subtract the coins from your total. If you are using the app store, your coin amount should appear in the upper right corner.

I keep it slimmed down on my phone- 20 apps tops-but my mom [and grandma] have like 5 different versions of the same damn game-even if the original was free! It drives me up the wall, especially when they complain to me that their phone/tablet is slow. >_>I just warn them that if they want me to fix it, I am going to

Thanks for reminding me to volunteer for DragonCon. I live in the host city, not that far away and I need something to do this summer so yeah. It's a sort of a tip- if you live in the host city and don't have all the cash for con-going, volunteer. Volunteers usually have discounts on entry [DragonCon requires you pay

So this is Acrophobia from Six Flags over GA, rebranded? Been there, seen that.

Or several people on tumblr looking at cat pictures, occasionally showing each other the cat pictures while a movie plays softly in the background. Also known as the sleepovers I usually have with friends.

If he can't be assed to understand that you aren't the 'go to all the things' friend, then he's really not a friend in the first place. I have a friend like that and she invites me to everything but she knows when I say no, I mean no, I won't go to this thing with you this time, not no, I don't want to be your friend.