
Better named after a car than a sexual disease or booze. Tila Tequila may be a stage name but I know a few named Hennessy.

A name also tells a lot about their parent's economic status and where they grew up. I had a lot of classmates with names based on cars [Chevrolet, Mercedes] or mildly drug related [Enebong, pronoununced 'In a bong'] that were living the rough life while the more affluent [read: middle class] ones had more normal

OMG it's like looking into a MIRROR. +1 internet hug to you, good sir!

Unexpected use: replacement cord for ext hard drive. A friend gave me her ext hard drive [since she never uses it and didn't want it since it's old] and after a while, the cord for it stopped working. Since it and my printer/scanner uses the same cord, I just switched them out. I might be in a bit of trouble if I need

This, all of this. "You should apply here." "Mom, they want a master's degree and 10 years of exp" "well everyone needs interns" "interns need to be in school" just.... and she never had an internship before either. Worse are relatives who haven't seen me in like 10 years and reccommend me jobs that have nothing to do

/casually forwards this to mother so she can stop trying to get me to apply to obvious scams

For the more control hungry writer, you can also sell your work via gumroad or shoestring it with paypal and google drive. Digital Inspiration had a tutorial on how to do the latter. I have done gumroad and liked it but know it's HEAVILY dependent on you marketing yourself. They don't do it for you, you have to get

For Chrome I use too many tabs. Tabs I need to see immediately, I keep but the rest I send off to too many tabs [like long reads, videos I am not watching right away, stuff for tumblr queue, etc...] then load them later. For firefox, even with my wimpy 2gb of ram on my laptop, I use the groups function. Stuff loads in

Funny how people tend to do that on the internet. That's why I usually include it first sentence so I can smugly lord it over speed readers. >:D But seriously, it's a flip flop at times. Sometimes I want to be great and a total massive influence and other times I want to hide away in the smallest darkest corner I can

It's subjective. Being great, having a impact/influence on others will make me very very happy but if I don't strive for greatness first, I won't be happy. Everyone wants to mean something to someone and that is a greatness all on its own.

That is a good quote if bare minimum. "Happiness is given too much importance these days. Why not go for greatness? Chimps are happy. I will not settle for that." :)

Japan has a manga out called Pregnant Boys where two boys get pregnant after being raped by a forest deity. One gives birth via ass the other has to be fucked so he can cum the baby out of his dick.

[furry fiction writers laugh in the distance]

A minute of hope to apply with SamaUSA then crushing defeat to realize it doesn't operate outside the west coast. /le sigh Still, it looks like a nice company/idea.

TLDR: know what you are looking for and organize, organize ORGANIZE. :D I use the same method on tumblr to find art/writing tutorials.

That's a whole different ballgame entirely. I am sticking this to personal activites.

Favorite saying: If it doesn't entertain you, teaches you, inspire you or is something that relaxes you, it's not worth your time or attention. Sadly, I don't follow that as much as I should, with people/events/objects. But I am working on it.

I do this...sorta. I use my main computer to draw and I look at tutorials //references on my secondary computer [since having photoshop and a screenrecorder and a web browser like chrome/firefox going is a big NOPE]. If I am writing, I write on whatever computer I am on and play music/do research on my phone. I

Being perfectly blunt, I am really only here for tech. I'm not a middle class person with a white collar job and kids so a lot of your help really doesn't help me in the least. Can we please just have a sub blog that focuses on either just tech or just self-improvement?

Now if only I had this at my disposal when I was 8 and had ripped open my knee over the floor ventilation system. My mom and grandma [neither medically trained] decided I didn't need stitches but if I HAD gotten them, I wouldn't had big scar decorating my knee that is just now starting to shrink down. Didn't get