My graduating class [200+] and the 100 or so in my family that I actually talk to counts as small sample size? I missed the memo...
My graduating class [200+] and the 100 or so in my family that I actually talk to counts as small sample size? I missed the memo...
it's 7:04 here [EST] and I just got it. Hmm...I don't have next to nothing on it so maybe that's it...
I really loved this column. I wish you guys would do fat myths. It comes to mind from the line: "Remember, your weight isn't the end-all-be-all of your health. " and that's true. I'm far healthier than my skinnier counterparts [no diabetes/cholesterol problems/lung issues] but I do get that I need to lose some weight…
I work 44 a week but I don't start work til noon, I work 4 days out of the week...and I'm not a desk worker so...this isn't related to me is it?
Of course this also depends on where you are applying to. I applied at a bar/grill and they hired me because I was hyperactive at the interview but still this is solid advice. *goes off to work on not using hands to talk so much*