
Anyone else think that Super is a silver-age D.C. Comics series? Like it’s just gone on for so long that it’s taking characters to unexpected places because that’s the only way to keep the franchise fresh?

Her reveal felt rushed and cheap. They didn’t develop her character enough. Both Califla and Kale achieved SSJ status comically fast with no training. Remember when Vegeta first turned SSJ?? THAT was impactful. Then they reveal the technique that triggers the SSJ transformation so casually. You’d think if it were as

Having had found Ghibili with Laputa, untranslated, on Laser Disc (yes my dad was one of those guys). The original fox print was my first taste of Totoro too. There were always some lines that i knew I was missing with the Disney release. One of the earliest I recall is when the youngest sees the stream at the new

That’s what they said in January, but here’s today’s wording: “Subscribers will get to download a compilation of classic titles with added online play, such as Super Mario Bros. 3, Balloon Fight and Dr. Mario.”

God yes! Can you imagine someone doing Spider-Man without his aunt May or without his witty banter? That’s what Snyder did with Superman. Took out the part that made him the hero people loved.

My favorite part is the positive reviews all say it is joyful and fun, it works because it is nothing like the previous movies. Basically they threw out all the Snyder BS and it is great. Also could be a sign that the new people in charge of the dceu know what they are doing. Too bad it is too late to give the flash

Comments like that will only be left by DC loyalists who will pay non-matinee prices for whatever secretes from WB/DC’s bowels.

Yes, Fury Road was praised for the role women played in it, but I never saw a single positive review that didn’t ALSO credit Hardy’s acting, the brilliant cinematography, stunning direction, high octane action, and jaw dopping pacing.

I’m not sure what planet you’re visiting us from, but here on Earth people liked Fury

Higher Ups/Executives: “The audiences have spoken, we need more Chris Pine in all our movies.”

Has a 97% fresh on Rotten and a lot of the reviews are from bigger publications.

I know the man is grieving and I feel horrible for saying it, but....Snyder’s shadow still looms over this movie, threatening to derail DCEU’s redemption with the upcoming Justice League. The better things I hear about this movie, the more depressed I get knowing exactly what sort of incomprehensible bullshit waits

The fourth game in developer tri-Ace’s science-fiction RPG series, Till the End of Time, which came to the PS4 last week, was notable for a few different reasons. It was the first entry to appear on a semi-modern console with the PS2, and thus the first to bring players into a 3D world inhabited by polygons

The only thing this did was piss off folks and throw Star Ocean off of the rails so hard that they have spent two games trying to walk it back and get all of that good faith that was built up after Second Story back. And they still haven’t done it.

SO Till the end of Time was considered a good entry in the series? I thought it was pretty terrible, without even considering the ending.

That series was SO 1 and SO2 and then it stopped existing as far as im concerned.

All of this. I loved SO and SO2. The world was rich by the standards of its day and the characters were pretty damn fun. The lives of the characters, their struggles, and their growth, had meaning in context of the story as well in a philosophical sense.

The thing here is that we, the players now know that all stories in the Star Ocean franchise take place inside a videogame IN the narrative itself, and the game/franchise/creators did nothing with that concept aside from the twist.

That plot twist and it’s resolution still pisses me off.

When they announced this game’s rerelease, I tried to take another look at it, see if my opinions have changed. Nope, it’s still awful.

Even if it were a standalone game it’d still be awful, because the plot twist comes out of nowhere and it’s resolution is

The real issue with the ending is twofold:

So, what was it that scared Nintendo into over-producing?