
If it were actually cheating and not just plugging a hole in their game that they refuse to fix I’d agree with you. People turn to these because they won’t actually add a decent feature people have been asking for it’s entire life span. Niantic blames these sites for any and all server issues and say it’s the reason

The only Klingon that has looked good bald was General Chang, and even he still had a top knot. By and large, they need hair. It looks funny when they don’t. And like, every sci-fi baddy lately seems to not have hair. Are evil empires not able to maintain a supply of hairstylists?

Pai is so transparent. He’s still doing the show that Oliver called him out on.

That’s the thing, it likely wasn’t all bad though.

That’s assuming that they didn’t have a lot of fun or get a lot of enjoyment out of those 700 hours.

You don’t have to hate a game to not recommend it. You can actually have taken some enjoyment out of it, but overall, you may still not recommend it.

I think it’s rather silly and shortsighted to slight someone for giving a negative review to a game while having this many hours on record playing it. There are a variety of reasons why, so I’ll try to get through them quickly:

This is why trademarks over common words are stupid :|

It’s the most enjoyable Pizza Hut commercial I’ve ever watched.

I’m all for people criticizing video games. what I don’t like is when those critics are going into dev studios and telling them to change stuff in their games. effectively telling the developer to self censor anything that they don’t approve of.

Even AC Cloud has more personality than that poor excuse of a main character. While I understand the similarities, the contrast stands out for me.

Looks like the game we should have gotten in the first place. Granted I bought battlefront for $10 and then bought the dlc discounted as well, had some fun with it. But I still feel like these games while surely far above and beyond better looking, don’t hold the soul and character that the original pandemic

The FBI isn’t the only ones hurting from our modern changing society. Plenty of companies in health care and transportation can’t get programmers because they require Federally-mandated drug tests and Federal rules say you can’t smoke weed.

The FBI isn’t just falling behind in cybersecurity, they are falling behind in a lot of their basic job functions, like interviewing people and conducting investigations. They are also understaffed and under- financed. As a taxpaying American, it’s appalling to me that the NSA has become a giant sucking black hole

Comey obviously doesn’t understand that fulfilling moral content comes in many avenues and it isn’t dependent on being one side or the other of the political argument but his Austin audience did.

A very incomplete list of various things afeared conservative adults have blamed over the years for luring The Cheeeeeeeeldruuun to Satan:

Nah. Admitting they were wrong or misinformed is a blow to egos everywhere.

so i should pay extra money to prevent my ISP from violating my privacy?

seems reasonable.

I read a decent article today. It sounds like a lot of brain-washing happens throughout the US. A quote.

There is actually an ‘easy’ way. The first and most important step is to start dropping the shit these people are creating at their own feet. Accountability in government isn’t and should never become just some buzzy phrase. It is paramount to the proper operation of any government. When people are insulated from the