
Oh.. look an Asian team is winning again at esports. Nobody saw that coming at all how boring.

Never going to happen most western companies are too busy sucking off China’s dick for a pay off.

I’ve been gaming for years and constantly watch companies avoid banning assholes for cash. They ruin the game for others but are allowed to get away with it. So I won’t lie at all I support his actions because the peaceful way doesn’t work.

I feel this was really its biggest issue and the fact that Blizzard fanboys latched onto that single fact. They tore Battleborn a new one before anyone had even played it. As Blizzard is the patron saint above the door of their homes.

JJjiiiiiimmmmmmm they are trying to justify a bad thing again!

I can relate here as well. They discounted Halloween decorations on top of that at the start of last week! Literally trying to shove it out the door as quickly as possible for the Christmas stuff to take over its entire space instead of just part of it. Crazy.

Except Gunpei was the created of Metroid not Sakamoto and he is dead....

When I was little a town nearby me did a few million dollar remodel of their downtown area. A majority of the materials made it into an illegal dump out in the country we found while hiking. This dump was full of completely usable lumber, nails in boxes, plumbing and more. You could have built a small house with what

Honestly AM2R hit all the right notes. Such as still using sprites so it fit the tone and not tossing in anything like quick time like garbage. The newest Metroid is 2.5D and to me just looks a little generic. I’m not hyped for it at all with Sakamoto on the case.

Sorry but Sakamoto is at the helm once more and everything from high heels, Other M story or even more linear gameplay are mostly if not totally on his shoulders. He has been the bane of the series since Gunpei died and was no longer there to be a voice on it.

Ugh.. they are still using those nasty bland chibi 3D models and the details on that world blow. That just screams remake money grab.

The customer is always right bullshit has just spread through the entire market like a plague. Largely in part due to idiots always trusting online reviews at the drop of a hat over actually checking out a place. So one bad Yelp review can cost you loads of cash despite the fact it only has one very biased side of the

The really funny and sad part is that there is still a market for physical copies and used games. That is if you treat the the customer fairly and have decent business practices. Gamestop though has done nothing though to keep the market. They have instead treating employees and customers alike as garbage. Both on

You are using a logical fallacy though to defend your point. There is a massive difference between a job that is about saving lives and a job that is selling videogames. If all the cops, doctors and more also got the day off people would die in mass.

I always laugh at this because the simple truth is most drivers of them get them when they are new for all the wrong reasons. Then they realize it is more power then they can truly handle even as an experienced driver. So they end up dumping them after owning them awhile and pretty much not doing anything.

Any car dealership that sells a vehicle or high price or name is always an ass. There is rarely if ever an exception to this rule when it comes to those that sell them. Dealerships are just a monopoly that was made law years ago using cash that overcharge for everything. Especially the high end of any market.

Well many of them were fun for the time but overall not that great. People just want to bring the best forward and have their issues fixed. So they can enjoy them say without terrible lose 3 lives start over systems.

The moment I read that mans statements this was all I could think about. He is dead wrong on all fronts. People just want good games and not just games that throw on the skin of days past. That hurts the market more then anything else and Steam doesn’t help by allowing literally any type of game to be put up with no

I still dunno it is hard for me to care at this stage. They’ve made so many bad spin offs and had nothing but terrible story all around. So it has become a hot mess and even Kingdom Hearts II referenced all that garbage and still went to the same damn worlds.

Ya.. I do not give a flying leap about helping people to catch it who paid some cash for it. Call me once it hits for the rest of us.