
When my ex and I started dating, I had a 2006 Evo IX MR. He hated that car. He didn’t like the seats (too broad for the Recaros), didn’t like the look (too ricey), and he hated the attention it got me. He finally convinced me to sell it a few years into our relationship. He said he’d never let me drive another,

Count me in. I’ve got a pic somewhere of me cussing up a storm while trying to take off my downpipe.

Haha. Except I end up with smears like that when I forget my hands are filthy (especially if I’m wearing gloves) and push my hair out of my eyes. :)

Agreed. I always seem to get a nose itch when I’m wrenching, or pull my bangs out of my eyes, and I end up smeared with grease and oil.

I keep getting image upload errors...but I submit the Evo X. So angry.

Having Kinja issues uploading pics, but yes. So frowny.

I’ve met him multiple times and can confirm he’s a dick. He also hit on me when I was 16. Gross.

I award you 50 extra points because Rally Red.

61-70% 2011 Evo GSR, modded. Interesting.

You are evil

Oh yeah, my husband can't stand him. But I still have to work with the guy. :(

also, our company doesn't drug test or even care about drug-related offenses. Unless he actually got locked up, I'd still be dealing with him.

That's a good idea. I tried the inappropriate joke one, but he just looked at me like, that's too far. I've also made up shit to see what he repeats as things he knows, but haven't heard anything yet. He actually seems very intelligent, he's just a pretentious, bigoted, racist dick who takes advantage of everyone

Haha. My luck, I'd get busted first.

Heh. I'm sitting across from the Dick right now. He is the only coworker I work with/see most every day. He's The Worst.

Ohmigod. thank you for this. Thank you.

I don't know what to call them. The "testers"? The guys that make a beeline for any woman that appears to be enjoying herself and immediately decide she needs to prove she deserves to be there. He asks questions even he doesn't know the answer to just to try and make her feel bad. Or even better, he just hits on

This has happened mor

Eh, I wear my tuner shirts or Mitsu shirts to car shows. It sometimes cuts down on the "oh, is that your husband's car?" and other comments that make me rage.

And this is why I rarely go to car shows anymore.