
It's still Thanksgiving here! We had eggs and bacon for breakfast, pumpkin pie for a light lunch (we tried huffimg the ready whip but all I got was a sinus cavity full of whipped cream), then we had a homemade lasagne for dinner. And Klondike bars. Cuz we do what we want.

I worked 12 hours today, and will likely work another 12-14 on Friday. I feel 'ya.

I shared this last year, but I was late to the party (damn time zones!), so I'm posting it again.

I'm from Dallas, and I laughed. ;)


Thank you.

I'm getting the test this afternoon. I feep you so hard right now. I've been nothing but stressing since January when my mom tested positive for it.

My boyfriend has the biggest mancrush on JGL, so he's on both our "lists". Though if other commenters are to be believed, it sounds like the BF has a better chance than I do. :(

She looks like my mom's dog! So cute. Daisy (mom's dog) is going on 16 now, though.

OMG. Are you Feminist Hulk??

I FUCKING LOVED THIS SONG AND VIDEO. Still do. My parents used to get soooooo upset when the song came on anywhere because I had to stop everything and sing it (at full volume) while doing the "chicken dance" from the video. Dancing chickens!

This fact blows. my. mind.

ARGH. My stomach is so tore up right now.

Too much pressure!

I'll save it til midnight Central. It'll either be in celebration or frustration. :-|

Lucky you! I don't partake myself, but would you have a bit for me? I need it (vicariously) right now. Especially since I just fucking quit smoking cigarettes! ARGH.

:( I'm sorry.

I might be calling a cab to take me to the bar. Tonight is going to get ugly if this filibuster doesn't work.

Go! I'll be with you in spirit!

Oh my goodness. I hadn't thought of it that way. Fuck.