This guy has to be at the top...
This guy has to be at the top...
I washed my sheets two weekends ago and still haven't made the bed. I've been sleeping on the couch because it's cooler in my living room. Also, I'm frequently not done with my homework until very late at night, and I'd like to try and get 4 full hours of sleep instead of 3 hours 52 minutes. I guess I'm lazy.
Lindy, I love your writing, I really do. But I have to beg you to please stop linking to Buzzfeed! I have homework to do, and now Chrome is all bogged down with the 18 tabs I just opened up. :(
Large amounts of grape Koolaid will do that as well.'d need a different tank top depending on where the Earth is in its elliptical orbit. Or should say, "you need to stay and average of 93 million miles away from me." /nerd
I had this song stuck in my head as soon as I saw this post. I love TMBG.
That is hilarious. I love them both. But especially Patton Oswalt.
Oh wow. That is awful. Your story broke my heart. :( It sounds like your husband is a great guy, and I hope things get better for him. Poor guy.
I posted this is GT, but I had to share it here, too. I freaking love the little girl and her "mmmhmmm" so much attitude and confidence!
It's actually not that bad once you mess around with it. Celia had a post in GT that walked us through it. If you go to you can play around with it. Once you set your profile, your page will be and people can follow you!
Did you set up your Kinja blog yet? I definitely want to make sure I remember to "follow" you over there, too! (Apparently, hearts don't transfer)
I have the same issue. I am half Hispanic/Mexican, but took after my Scottish father, so I have very pale skin with very dark features. I get mistaken for Middle Eastern quite a bit, but never Mexican. When people make stupid racist Mexican jokes around me, I cuss them out in Spanish and walk away.
My mother was big my whole life (up until the gastric bypass that almost killed her...several times). I was a tall, scrawny kid (up until about age 22). I cannot tell you how many fights I got into because other kids would make fat jokes, or make jokes about my mom. To this day, if I hear anyone make a fat joke, I…
You are just too awesome. I refuse to believe you are a real person. You must be some kind of super-clever AI. :)
Like Ned Flanders.
This is probably the only movie I have vivid memories of when I first saw it in theaters. It was my (much older) friend's birthday, and we went as part of her party. Her parents called my parents to make sure it was okay if they took me to see a PG-13 movie. I was 9, but almost 10. Me and my friend sat far away…
In high school we went on a field trip to the University of Colorado at Boulder to attend a "conference on world affairs." One of the speakers was Roger Ebert. Basically, we all watched "Casablanca" and then talked about it. After the event, I went home, rented the movie, and watched it three more times.
Holy shit. I'm late to the game, but I just realized that was Samuel L Jackson. Forgive me, since I was 13 when that movie came out.
Just about anything by Tool or Puscifer. Also I second Massive Attack. :)