
For the most part it wasn’t that bad but when you had to do things like traverse those god damn ice slides over and over again or have to take the long way around because a route is either blocked by changes made during the story or it is only accessible from one direction during that planet’s visit.

Backtracking is a feature bc it’s a Metroidvania. But there’s certainly a time-respectful way of doing this, and Fallen Order definitely had a few places that were huge pains in the ass to get to/from and were just begging for fast travel.

I wouldn’t have minded the backtracking, if not for the map being pretty much unreadable. It was almost impossible to plan a route to that one point where you missed something. Quick travel certainly helps, but I hope they sort out the map out too.

I would argue that your average person doesn’t have a “cursory knowledge” of Norse Mythology. Not everyone’s grade school European History class went deep into Viking religion.

I think the Rock in particular made a conscious choice to avoid challenging himself as an actor, instead choosing easy roles tailor made for his screen presence, which was settled pretty early on in his career. I don’t think he’s lazy — he’s always working and hitting the promotion circuit. But he’s clearly not

Cena’s strength is a willingness to mock his own persona, which Johnson doesn’t really do (maybe in Pain & Gain, a bit). I think he’s generally a good actor but hasn’t stretched himself like Bautista, who I agree is becoming a revelation in how strong he is with the quiet parts of a performance.

His Blade Runner performance is definitely what put him over the top. All these guys have good comedic timing from hamming it up during their wrestling days. Maybe it helps that Bautista has less faceman charisma than Johnson or Cena, but regardless he takes it to another level. His performances also don’t boil down

I gotta say: name-dropping your monolithic employer to support your statement is a bold strategy. Imagine if you were accused of flashing your dinger to patrons at the drive-thru window and was like “McDonalds and I are very disappointed in these baseless accusations”.

It’s literally insane that people unironically think watching youtube videos and looking at political memes on facebook is research. Like holy shit.

I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.

I love how people say things like “there are still the dirty parts about EV’s no one wants to talk about” when literally every article and comment thread about EVs is chock full of misinformation about how batteries can’t be recycled (they can), or how lithium and rare earth mining is uniquely harmful (it isn’t), or

Who doesn’t want a Toyota Busyforks?

It’s also thematically appropriate for Bucky to “die” in a fall, without leaving a body to confirm his death.

it really feels like there are far more negative zones than positive ones lately.

Came here for this, was not disappointed.

Solid Iron man quote

Robot: “Huh?” ❓ ... “Just a box.”

See I call BS on that..their big games were never meant to be PS5 games only..fact is these games were far into development before the pandemic so its not like they back tracked and stated developing the games for PS4 instead..makes no sense...

And it happened with the Final Fantasy VII remake. 

Really? That’s odd. I mean, I ACTUALLY play the game and have sidestepped every possible desire to spend money to try and get better cards while slogging to level 1,681. So what’re the ways to pay for better decks/cards? Let’s see...