
I feel like this nails it. For Horizon, I just saw another pretty/empty open world game. If I have to go to dots on a map to find the next thing then it doesn’t really feel like a lived-in world at all, it just feels bigger.

The outrage isn’t because the character called her that - a character can be racist without the creators also having those same views - but because she was actually named that. But I think that’s the only way she’s referred to in the movie. I still don’t really see why that’s offensive other than people enjoying being

I’m white and I do have a big nose. I’d just be like “yes? Can I help you?”

Interesting way to generate clicks. Grab some niche thing and say it’s “everywhere” to get all the people saying they have never seen it before. Well done. 

Isn’t this just a video game thing? Not saying I like it, just that I've come to accept it as normal for the adventure genre. 

The biggest thing I want from this game is no more sliding sections. Unless Cal is a skier he should not be doing that with any regularity. 

This wouldn’t typically be my thing but considering it’s on Gamepass and available immediately, I’m interested enough to give it a try. The art style looks fun  and the gameplay could be cool even if the “cool rocker” character is cringe.

Same. I have a couple decks I cycle between. When they use featured zones like rickety bridge, I use my “Death Deck” that uses all the destruction cards. Yeah, it sucks when you use a different deck and get hit with the zones that you don’t like, but I feel like this is what forces people to create new decks and try

“One guy field stripped a fir tree and walked like a fir tree”

Same. Top Gun was my dad’s favorite movie, not mine. I definitely saw it, but it wasn’t burned into my brain.

I snap like an extra in West Side Story. I snap every time and a lot of the time I’ll do it right out of the gate just to see if the other player will too. It’s not for any strategic reason, I just like seeing how the other play responds most of the time.

I played the first one when it came out and loved it. And then I tried playing the second one when it came out and just kind of groaned and wondered why I was spending my time with it. I am grateful that we’ve had a truckload of indie games come out in the time between those that have proven gameplay doesn’t have to

Clothing shaming isn’t a thing when the people you’re talking about can actually afford clothes and are deliberately dressing down for something.

I don’t disagree that gaming execs famously don’t know how to dress. I also don’t disagree that the gaming industry is too white/male dominated. But how do you write 1,000 words or whatever about how bad the fashion is and then make the conclusion at the end of “So, basically, invite more marginalized people to The

I haven’t seen Black Panther yet, but I haven’t liked ANY of the Phase 4 movies. Spider-Man was the best of the bunch and even that felt like the good stuff (mostly just Green Goblin going ham on Spidey in the apartment building) were way overshadowed by the fan service and plot devices that made the rest of the

How crowded can a NMS planet get? Like if they advertise this stuff, make it easy to find, a bunch of people build bases on it - how much will stick around? Because I don’t find the exploration of NMS to actually be very fun because all planets seem to have the same level of emptiness. It would be cool to land on a

I just assume all politicians and celebrities are assholes. Some are just regular narcissists and others are criminals. One is obviously worse than the other but you never end up feeling too surprised either way.

Agreed - I didn’t think there was anything hidden in the setup between Daemon and his niece. The gift scene was uncomfortable all on its own, and they were eyeing each other in every scene they were in together. 

I think the big thing with GoT was that it was a new dark twist on what everyone (who didn’t know the books) thought was going to be a Lord of the Rings riff. But then a little kid gets pushed out a window and That Guy From That Thing got beheaded and you realized it was something entirely new.

That seems like the answer to me. Anyone with experience with games or some other kind of virtual hangout space is not at all interested in this. This was built for investors who think young audiences will want this. I imagine it will launch with a bunch of inflated numbers, it will be forced onto the public for a few