
So I feel like I should LOVE Horizon. In fact, I recently told some friends I couldn’t get into it and they all responded with a “Whaaaaa???”

I wish more AAA games would embrace stylized graphics. Cutting edge graphics tend to only look cutting edge until the next big leap. Meanwhile, the cartoony, stylized things look good for decades. 

He’s gotten more annoying as time goes on. He was perfect in Parks n Rec as “Andy,” great in Guardians 1 as “buff Andy,” inexplicably cast in Jurassic Park as “smart Andy” and more annoying in Guardians 2 and Infinity War as “buff Andy but now more emotionally stunted.” 

I can’t see many people getting excited about a Mario movie just because it has the voice of Mario. In fact, that would probably turn more people off just because they would think it’s just a video game tie in when there’s no real story to the video games to start with.

Hear hear! I can fit a power supply behind/under my entertainment center. The big ass PS5, though, needs its own shelf.

I am here for Jedi. What makes Star Wars different if not Jedi and The Force? Even Mando is basically just your run of the mill space marine, as good as that show turned out to be (about half the time).

He was in Dune just a few months before this came out, which was probably the biggest release of the pandemic era. I agree that Star Wars probably didn’t help his career, but he seems like a pretty bankable star, and he does a mix of blockbusters like Star Wars as well as more serious movies.

Anyone who has ever played tag with a child should cringe watching those scenes. Or just anyone at all. 

I don’t want to fault the actress, but I really dislike every scene involving young Leia. The chase scenes should have been embarrassing to film. But the precocious child who talks like an adult and knows everything is annoying the rest of the time.

Yeah, he sees Palpatine name him Lord Vader, but he also cuts off his legs and watches him burst into flames in hot lava. Once he’s literally living under a rock, it makes sense he doesn’t hear about Vader because why would he? I know Vader is well known in certain circles, but I wouldn’t expect him to be a public

And yet they didn’t even bother to arrest him. He shot at a bunch of cops and got into a massive car chase that ended up with multiple crashes and a few explosions and then Jim Gordon just walks away. 

It was decent. I felt like it was a freshish take on Batman but I wish it were like 45 minutes shorter and that the detective stuff actually felt satisfying. Instead it was a lot of walking slowly and piecing things together that didn’t really seem to fit together. I liked it better than Dark Knight Rises, Joker, and e

Guess it’s time to boot up Skyrim yet again.

Gamepass seems to depend on how you’re using it. Microsoft made it extremely easy to get started, but then it’s questionable whether it will turn out to be worthwhile in the long run.

Wait, what?

I really sincerely hope this includes a time jump to bring the characters in line with the actors’ actual ages. We had enough creepy old dudes celebrating MBB’s 18th birthday, let’s not also have her keep playing a 14-year-old until she’s 25. 

That Links Awakening deal doesn’t show up on Amazon. Sad. 

That Links Awakening deal doesn’t show up on Amazon. Sad. 

I always hated that design. His whole action style is about being stealthy and using the shadows to intimidate. It’s hard to buy into someone swinging around on a grappling hook weighing 260 and wearing Kevlar. I would have liked to see a slim, ninja like Batman for that gameplay. 

They’re “non-lethal piercing rounds.” They’re totally fine as long as you call them that.

Yeah, the sliding is bizarre. I would expect more from the physics from a current gen only game that they’ve been working on for years. Maybe it’s just me, but this looks worse than Arkham Knight.