
I am still pretty new to the Switch and played the entire thing in handheld mode. Maybe it’s just because my expectations for the platform are really low or because I was playing it on the small screen, but I thought it was fine. Not as pretty as Breath of the Wild but not so far off that it hurt to look at.

No! Not Frank Langela!

I’ve done all the homework. My partner has slept through class. I’ll watch this on Disney+ without her.

I’ll come out and say it. I want a full on remake. Soul Reaver still holds a very special place in my heart - the opening cinematic alone blew my 12-year-old mind - but no 3D game from the PS1 generation should be re-released without some major overhauls. I would love to see the fully realized version of that world

Marvel loves to do this. Any mildly emotional story beat has to be undercut by humor or an action scene. And it’s ultimately an action show, so I get it, but it always ends up feeling kind of emotionally empty. Oscar Isaac is killing it, but all of the drama ends up feeling lifeless because Marvel isn’t willing to

I wonder what’s separating MS and Sony on this. Or if it has anything to do with Sony’s worldwide demand and XBox being able to just ship far less to some markets since they’re not going to get bought.

You’re correct, that’s how society works, and it’s why rules exist. If a person attacked you, they would face charges. If a dog bit you, they would be put down. A restaurant saying they allow dogs doesn’t mean there are no repercussions for that dog’s bad behavior.

That’s not a good reason. Dogs shouldn’t “live at home” because that’s what makes them anxious and aggressive in the first place. I only see how it’s rude if the dog is barking or jumping at strangers - but if they’re just minding their own business, maybe you should lighten up? It sounds like there must be a lot of

It depends entirely on how well the dog handles it and whether the place allows dogs.

I feel like that’s the way to go, though. Marvel already has the MCU and DCverse is just falling further and further behind on that. DC is finding its stride in giving each character/series its own tone and find its own audience, and it honestly seems to work right now.

I disagree - I felt like the way everything hits the fan at the end is the payoff for the slow build up to it, and the Black Philip scene was creepy and fun at the same time. I mean, it became a meme. I’ve seen the quote on T-shirts. The ending is what sticks around with you after you’ve forgotten everything else that

I’d be really curious to hear more about where The Witch failed to meet his vision. That jumped to the top of my favorite horror movies of recent memory. The only problem is that it’s so damn hard to understand what anyone is saying.

I agree with all of this. Asking whether Max Payne is deserving of a remake is one thing, but classics from that era are definitely deserving of remakes in general.

I don’t have either one, but I second this. I have switched back and forth between XBox and Playstation over the years and never bothered to own both at the same time because they just seem redundant. Playstation historically has the better exclusives but there aren’t that many in the pipeline just yet that won’t also

My first playthrough I did just about everything available.

Yes! I was 7 or 8 when this came out, and I just remember Penguin being gross and sad. I always felt like Batman was overmatched for the sad ugly guy in the dirty onesie. I feel like watching his gigantic but waddle around in dirty longjohns was more disturbing than watching him bite someone’s nose off.

I definitely had that same exact Batman. And the removable parts were so annoying, he was pretty much always Michael Keaton. When all my other toys were super buff, there was always regular guy Michael Keaton and his trim waist. He was perfect for being typecast as “bank teller at gunpoint,” “mayor in trouble” or

None of the stuff about BK is clear from the show, though. To me, he’s just another Wookiee, and he’s bad at doing just about anything. His fight with Boba was pretty lame (if you’re going to assassinate someone, you wouldn’t wrestle them first) and his fight in the last episode was bad too. He didn’t actually DO

I felt like Us was a little too high-concept for its own good. Like, it looked cool. It was fun to watch. The idea was kind of interesting. But the internal logic of the movie just wasn’t strong enough for it to make sense. 

I had some ideas of what BoBF was going to be - but they showed from the first episode that they didn’t have the guts to deliver on that idea. So I was happy to see the Mando diversion halfway through.