
MS might be doing this to sell a bunch of XBoxes, but from my completely uninformed outsider perspective, this seems like it’s going to be a big Gamepass push. 

I’m glad God of War and Horizon are supposed to come to PS4, too. I’m still sticking to my plan of not buying a PS5 until they redesign it and at the rate I get through games these days, I should be cool only buying those two AAA games this year. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for mid-2023!

I’ve been saying about this for years. The goblins are basically Nazi propaganda posters come to life.

I’m totally cool with game companies finding some ways to cram NFTs into games to make them more exclusive. It will definitely save me a lot of money when I kick the hobby entirely and sell off my consoles.

Sure. I get that. But this is America where any new law will undoubtedly see a torrent of lawsuits and new legislation until conservatives get it back to where it started in the first place. I’m also not opposed to people owning ANY gun, but I would like to see much tighter regulation on what guns and how they get

Wow - what a good idea! I mean, I don’t know about the “valid reason” part because anytime the government has to decide things like that it seems like a slippery slope. But requiring licensing and registration for deadly weapons - and not just vehicles that are necessary for getting to work - is such a rational thing

“The Legend of Zelda: Only on Switch 2"

I’ll still just wait for a slim version of the console. If God of War and Horizon come out on PS4 as advertised, then the only game I’m really dying to play on PS5 is Spider-Man 2. I’m pretty psyched, but not $600 psyched, so I’ll wait for these to stop being so huge and ugly.

Really? This is clearly pre-prequel era, so no Skywalkers around. None of the aliens were races played up in the movies. This looks to lean more on the mystic/Force related stuff rather than plucky rebels (but I’m sure there will still be plucky rebels aplenty).

Hades. I really love that game but I’m really not good at it either. I think it took me 30 attempts before I consistently got past the Bone Hydra. I’ve put the game down but don’t feel “done” with it yet since I’d like to at least be able to get out at least once.

Same. And I heard it split from the anime in later episodes, but the whole time I just kept asking myself “why am I not just watching the anime?”

I hope for his sake he doesn’t wreck his body doing crazy acrobatic stunts beyond when is ability. But I like his Spider-Man, and I will be surprised if he has a big career beyond his MCU contract. He seems to gravitate toward serious/action roles and while he’s great at the action, he doesn’t have the tough guy vibe

That was my thought, too. I really like Tom Holland’s Spidey even though I sometimes don’t like how they’ve fit him into the MCU. I’d really like to see him become more independent as a character and move on with his life post high school. Peter Parker’s personal life was always a big part of the character, but I’d

A tribe of angry Billy Eichners would be a terrifying and formidable foe.

It’s all fiction, so really they can go whatever direction they want to with his character. He was set up to be a science whiz but hasn’t had a lot of time to come through on that, but they could still go that route if they wanted. His Daily Bugle photographer story doesn’t really make sense for any version of his

I haven’t played a Pokemon game in a long, long, long time. But it seemed like the ones I played still had the same story. Pick your starter, visit gyms, add Pokemon to your Pokedex so some scientist can study them. I mean, I realize that’s the core gameplay concept as well, but I don’t remember there being more of a

I haven’t played a Pokemon game in years... Like over a decade. But I’m wondering how much they’ve changed. It seems like it’s not just the same core experience but the same story, the same structure... I always consider playing Pokemon when a new one drops but I just hear how simple the games are and never bother.

My favorite part of Detroit: Become Human was when you have to clean up after the wife-beater dirtbag guy. So this looks enjoyable.

If you’re asking about the worse side, this whole discussion about candied sweet potatoes is pointless. The answer, plain and simple, is canned cranberry sauce. The fact that stuff even exists boggles the mind.

It at least partly takes place during Halloween. And that’s all I got.