
Honestly, as far as AAA games go, these are the only ones I’m interested in. I’m done with FPS and don’t have time for open world games and will hopefully never play another game where I have to climb a tower to unlock part of the map. What’s left?

This is why I ended up buying a PS4 a couple years ago. I wanted Spider-Man and God of War and all of their single player games that just actually have stories to them. After all the reviews I’ve seen today, I’ll definitely buy GotG.

It definitely could just be a setup for something about how funerals are the biggest energy feast there is. Or it’s really curtains for ol’ Colin Robinson.

Up until the early 2000s, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” was considered a progressive opinion on “the gays” so I wouldn’t really expect much more than that out of Frank.

Strangely, I wasn’t entirely sure if you were referring to Dune or Guns, Germs and Steel. It sort of works for both.

The Matrix did it with the sequels. But those didn’t really work out too well.

Dune Deux

I don’t know if this is one of those “The Matrix sequels don’t exist” things, but there was another movie using the name - The Cloverfield Paradox. I haven’t seen it and haven’t heard good things though, so I think it’s OK to just ignore it.

I mostly agree with everything you said except I’d bump Life Aquatic higher on the list.

I know this post is designed to make people argue, but WHAAAA? Rushmore might be my #1 but it’s close between that and Tenenbaums. They’re similar for sure, but I feel like Rushmore is more focused in its story and the characters are better despite still being peak Wes Anderson. I’d be curious what made that one hard

Isn’t that what it’s like if you have your own animals though? Not like an industrial farm, obviously, but if you’re homesteading like Stardew Valley, you make the choice about getting attached or not and of eating them or not. Like if you’re not raising pigs for meat, then why raise pigs? But using them for meat

I used crossplay - the characters were there but nothing else. Started at base light level and had no gear. I haven’t touched the game in a long time, so I figured it had to do with the resets that happened through all the expansions. If this does have something to do with crossplay, I don’t get it. Who cares if they

Doesn’t he still need to get a second one green-lit?

As a returning Destiny player, you’re totally right that they should have just launched Destiny 3.

Spot on. I love Halloween, but I don’t like horror. I want something that feels creepy and atmospheric but isn’t just buckets of blood. Also, I agree there’s a subtle difference that makes one thing work and another not - but I disagree with the example. Aliens and slashers are not Halloweeny - ghosts and other

Maybe this falls into the realm of being too gory or being more of a horror game, but I started Bloodborne last year in October and put it down at some point only to pick it up again for Halloween this year. It doesn’t fit the theme of the rest of the list since it’s much more serious and has lots of blood - even if

Now playing

Those songs are all bangers, but there’s only one I want to hear...

My mentality with Sony now is I don’t bother buying their console until the generation is almost over, then I sweep up all the exclusive blockbuster games I didn’t play as they came out, then I’m good.

I played the campaign and enjoyed the story but was bored with the gameplay by the end - and it was only like six hours long.

This is 2021. Nobody has just one job.