The show has the benefit of developing the characters over many, many hours. The movie is amazing, but the premise seems to almost never run out of steam on the show, somehow.
The show has the benefit of developing the characters over many, many hours. The movie is amazing, but the premise seems to almost never run out of steam on the show, somehow.
To each their own.
My first Halo was Halo 2. I got on the XBox train right around that time and bought the XBox and Halo 2 with my own money that I got from my actual (part-time retail) job. So... Yeah, I know what you mean.
I’m guessing you’re just the target audience for the Disney+ shows considering what you listed.
I get it. Directors feel cheated. It’s a hard business to break into, and when they finally do it, they want to get paid.
I guess they still could, but I will be shocked if they keep Avengers going long enough to release another DLC character much less an entire new game.
I wouldn’t say that CD has “turned it around” but I guess the fact that they’re keeping it alive at all indicates that it’s not a total bust. I actually recently picked up Avengers on sale just to see if it was the trainwreck everyone says it is. I have no intention of playing anything beyond the story. I’ll probably…
I think it’s just that nerdy gamers finally found a place to make money while just talking about nerdy stuff and then hot girls had to come and take that away.
Yeah, I was definitely a Playstation kid but was around enough people who were all about the graphics on XBox (back in the days where there was actually a difference). I was talked into getting one after someone went totally bonkers over KOTOR, then I grabbed Halo 2 and Project Gotham, then I got into the four-player…
But can you imagine anyone trying to ask $60 for a six hour game? I haven’t played this but I imagine it got stretched out simply so they could justify it being a full game.
Big No. 1 for me is Soul Reaver. Not the oldest game on this list, but old enough that its vision was bigger than what they were able to squeeze out of the PS1. The Metroidvania style of getting new powers from other evolved vampires, the plane-shifting, the concept of either helping or hunting villagers affecting how…
So I haven’t played either game. His hands get mutilated and cut off and everything IN SCENES? Like canonically, he loses his hands multiple times? Is there an explanation for why he gets his hands back and continues to use them?
If we’re counting completely different species, is she pan- rather than bisexual? Do we need a different term entirely to include lizard and/or fish-people?
It does seem strange that they all had flimsy straight love interests rather than no interests at all. And Bucky was born in 1915 or something, so I can easily accept that he’s a little repressed and was checking both boxes on his Tinder signup with at least a little curiosity. What’s the harm in it?
There are plenty of games that have fun, exciting worlds that you can use to tell just about any story you want. Using a series of games where the gameplay consists of 1 on 1 fights where the story is background if existent at all, however, is not a great idea.
Honestly, why don’t they just make this an all-out comedy (plus legit martial arts)? They need to just take literally any sports movie ever made, replace sports antics with surprisingly brutal fight scenes, and voila. Why try to make something like this serious?
Yeah, I will never “afford” a headset because I will probably always feel that I can spend that cash somewhere else. I’d like to play this, but I don’t have plans on buying a VR headset anytime in the foreseeable future.
It’s okay to say that in 2021 that character would not be conceived the same way and try something new.
I hope Cyberpunk resurrects itself because it looks like a cool game, and I’m in favor of any good RPGs getting out there. But I personally will probably never play it at this point. I was interested, got hyped, then was turned off, then got hyped again, then it launched as a mess. I’m probably not coming back around.
Yeah. “Bad mayonnaise yellow”? I don’t even like yellow usually and I thought that was the best choice of the bunch.