
Maybe by holiday 2021. I’m probably expecting too much from God of War and the next-gen versions of Cyberpunk considering they’re both going to be straddling the generational gap, so I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that within a year we see at least something that looks or plays completely bonkers.

I am excited to play a next gen console but I’m not in a rush to buy one. I am rocking a PS4 slim that I bought in 2018 when Spider-Man released. I’m playing Miles Morales, and it still looks ridiculous and plays really well despite having essentially two steps behind the new hotness.

Same — they could have done more to make it more challenging, but it was pretty cool to feel like weapons were dangerous. I hate the combat in Odyssey where you’re just constantly battering people with weapons that in older games would have killed someone instantly.

If God of War 2 is in fact coming in 2021 anytime before December, I will be shocked if it comes out only on PS5. But I’ll also be a little surprised if we see God of War 2 before the holidays anyway.

My wish list:

Same. XBox was for playing with friends for me, and I got all the multiplatform games for XBox because I just liked using it better.

Man, I really regret preordering from Best Buy. I was hoping to play this last night but won’t get it until tomorrow.... So I’ll just look on longingly.

Honestly, I want all of the mythical crap in my Assassin’s Creed. When I was in Paris or Rome or the Caribbean, I didn’t care. But when they decided to put me in Ancient Egypt and Greece and have people just CONSTANTLY talking about the gods, I want to see gods. I don’t want to go to Ancient Greece and only hear about

Agreed. I am still chipping away at Odyssey. It’s just so damn big.

I’ve had every XBox at one point or another (I ditched the XBox One halfway through the generation). I have no interest in getting a $500 machine anytime soon. But I’m really eyeing that $300 XBox to at least take a babystep into next gen until the big consoles slim down, drop their prices and fill out their game

So rather than arguing about the historical accuracy, I’m just concerned about whether one-hit kills (mainly assassinations) come back.

Seems that way to me. Until XBox says it truly has a high-end exclusive, it’s not any different from what you see on the current consoles, or on PC.

I don’t know when/if I’ll get an XBox this generation, but I’m most anticipating seeing what Microsoft does with all those big buys they’ve had over the past year or so.

I keep reading reviews or impressions of this and thinking about that first thing, too.

I still think the black speaker-looking grill on the Series S is stupid. I wish they would have just made it all white like the previous One S. But, it definitely wins in size. I’m glad that Stephen went with the S since that’s the one I’m most curious about.

I did after I started playing Horizon: Zero Dawn. That zwonk noise is used too constantly in that game.

This thing is really ugly. If I get one before they redesign it, I might need to actually put it BEHIND my TV or in a cabinet that I can close when it’s not in use or something. It just screams “first apartment.”

I feel like most controller gimmicks are more annoying than anything. I don’t even like the little touchpad on the PS4 because it’s rarely used for anything other than a big button. And the speaker on the controller has always been annoying as hell to me.

I started feeling a little panicky when I went in a loop with the two basement staircases. You think you’re going back to the main level, but nope, just more boxes. Then I started wondering what would happen if the boxes fell over on me, or if there was a fire. And how many cats actually lived in there? I only saw the

I don’t mean to get too deep here or anything, but as someone who finds the lip-syncs kind of funny, I think it’s more that she shows just how psychotic his statements are when they come out of anyone else’s mouth. Her Trump is clearly just rambling off the cuff, her reporters are confused, her assistants are