
This looks like a great deal. I'll get an Xbox One eventually, I think, but not just yet. I'm still waiting for one platform to build a library worth investing in. And hopefully by then, there will also be a console price drop or some cheap used ones.

I love long games, but I don't dilly-dally in them too much. I'm playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag right now, and I find that my 1-2 hour play sessions are often enough to sail to one point on the map (with the requisite plundering along the way) and maybe completing a mission. For some reason I really enjoy that. I

Looks lovely. However, it would stick out like a sore thumb on my TV stand, so I'd have to pass.

I need to play this again...

I feel like it depends on the book. Big, heavy books or ones I don't really expect to form any real attachment to, I prefer ebooks.

Damn, that Gotham is gorgeous. The Batmobile looks really fun too, but I could do without the tank part that seems to be shoe-horned in. There wasn't really a point to that segment other than to have a tank interlude where you blow stuff up for a change of pace and then go back to being Bats.

I'm pretty early in my career. So far I've had long-term contract work, freelance work, and now I've been in my current job for a little more than a year. I look around frequently and apply if something seems like a big step up, but I'm not ready to start my job search in earnest quite yet. It will probably be within

That's funny. I made do with a 4GB 360 (with the maximum allowed 16GB flash drive added) and had no problems. Now, I have two additional flashdrives plugged in all the time and swap them out to find space to save new games I'm downloading. I guess if you delete digital titles when you're done you'd be fine. Or don't

Do you gaming journalists get all the fun stuff like this provided to you? Are your gaming PCs paid by Gawker or are you using your own?

I'm excited about this for three reasons. 1. Paris. The city looks incredible. And pretty accurate. 2. Downclimbing - finally you don't just drop and hope there's something to grab onto. 3. I don't have an XBone or PS4, so by the time I actually play this, I'll pribably be interested in playing another AC game again.

you're right. Which is why I'm not really concerned about the "image problem" in video games. The actual situation in Ferguson is much more worthwhile than shifting the focus on EA. But if you'd rather have a symantec argument instead, go for it.

I can't speak to the specific police department here, but they're not a small town police force. Ferguson is in St. Louis, a city of 3 million people, and the police here are City of Ferguson PD and St. Louis County PD, the "county" itself made up of 1 million people. The Ferguson PD is probably understaffed since it

For the record, I'm on what I assume is your side of the gun control debate, but this particular instance has nothing to do with gun ownership. The kid who was killed was unarmed by all accounts of what happened, and though there have been reports of gunfire within the riots, nobody else has been shot, except by

But this isn't a warzone. It's a small town of 21,000 people. An American town.

Yeah, that's the impression I've gotten from the start. I seem to remember them talking about "persistent worlds" or something along those lines in the first reveal.

implying Missouri is the South? Don't get me started.

Xbox has been kicking ass with the Gold games recently. I've really enjoyed a lot of the free games, and they've convinced be to buy several of their Deals With Gold games recently.

Dishonored for free? Aw hell yeah. I knew there was a reason I hadn't paid for it yet.

You are far too upset about this.