
Yeah, I thought it looked really fun but then that video was kind of brutal. The robo-arm bludgeon and the beheading at the end both had me groaning. It looks kind of interesting, and I dig the art style, but it's kind of brutal looking.

Does that thing have arms growing out of its face?

Is this still a problem? I feel like almost everyone I know* has some kind of dietary restriction to accomodate - vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, paleo, lactose intolerant, diabetic, local organic only. Basically, people's food has become as personal as religion or politics - if you're not close enough to talk about

Sounds like Nemesis in RE3. Although he might have only been scripted? I don't remember but I thought he could just catch up to you anytime if you spent too long in one spot.

Maybe it's just disposable income. Most of my salary goes to rent/student loans. I know I'd have fun with this for 15 minutes and never use it again. $100 can go a lot of other places in my world.

I guess I've just hit that boring age where $100 for foam swords doesn't seem like a good use of money.

When they bought the rights to Star wars and presumably associated merchadising?

I predict this thing won't even make it to production before George lucas and/or Disney shut it down.

I always thought the armored suit made more sense than tights. Why would he wear tights? I never liked the super-buff style for all the characters in these games, but they're still awesome games, so I can look past it.

Why is the Batmobile pulling an MiB move?

Wow. I was only 7 when Wolfenstein 3D came out, but I played the hell out of it — hopefully not for at least a few years after that, but whatever, I turned out mostly okay. I hated how much those stupid plants look like the Nazis.

I see what you did there.

I've always thought this was a weird response. If you spend the game looking at your own character's butt, you're probably not playing very well.

It varies. It's almost always a man, but he varies in skin color and build. In Skyrim, I'm a Redguard because I was curious to be the black savior of a very Arian looking group of people. Also because there are inexplicably 0 dark-skinned people in pretty much any fantasy world you can think of. And he kicks ass.

The first person aspect, I'd say is essential. But the shooter part, not so much. I never played Bioshock Infinite because I was tired of shooters and didn't think it ever really made much sense for the games in the first place.

I suddenly feel very sad for knowing the name of every building in this shot, with the exception of a couple houses.

You know the saying: Don't hate the player, hate the sabercats, bears, bandits, dragons, frost trolls, will-o-the-wisps and hagravens.

Really? Alan isn't on that list? Bunch of uneducated commies.....

Now we're talking. We're just one E3 price drop and about five more decent games away from me actually jumping to current gen.

Well, in Infamous, the primary mode of travel is grinding on power lines. It's the first thing I thought of too.