
Yeah, I'm curious to see a review. It's strange that the game is out today and nobody seems to have reviewed it yet. Activision not sending out advanced copies or something - that's not a good sign if it's the case.

Uh.... what? Preorder a movie that's not even out in a lot of places for some creepy-ass bust of Jamie Foxx? Do people do this?

It's a movie tie-in, but it's also the new entry in a series done by the developer, focused on one of the most beloved comic characters and is being released on just about every available console - except XBox One, weirdly. So yeah, it's the highest profile game, even if you don't think it's going to be the best.

I don't get the hate either. This is the first game in a list of several Spidey games that tries to actually redo the webswinging of Spiderman 2. And Spiderman 2 is not even a good game, it just did the swinging really well. And if this game does the swinging at even close to the same level, I'll play it.

They were pretty spot on with the Raimi series. The only problem was that Tobey Maguire looked incredibly awkward when he wore it.

I think when the movie came out, it was still a pretty raw subject. It's still very sensitive considering how many people were traumatized/injured/killed, but we've sort of gotten used to having 9/11 up in our faces in the past 12 years.

We can say it all we want, but it's never going to happen. Sony knows fans would prefer seeing Spider-Man in Marvel's hands, but they'd prefer seeing it (and the money that goes with it) in their own.

And the dancing. Never forget the dancing.

I agree with both statements - Maguire was an excellent Peter Parker, Garfield is an excellent Spider-Man. However, Garfield is also an excellent actor and does a better job of representing a real human being rather than a physical embodiment of the comic book character of Peter Parker. No, he's not as painfully

I went through a Bizarre Foods phase myself. I'd come home from classes and watch an episode almost every day. I hated him and the show at first but got hooked pretty quick.

LOVE Rick and Morty. So delightfully demented.

CURRENTLY I'm in a little bit of an off period. I feel like I've run out of new shows to watch, but I'm going through some older stuff: Venture Bros (on Netflix. Almost out.) Bored to Death (if you haven't seen it and can access a friend's HBO GO account, I can not recommend this show enough), Community, Agents of

I love baseball, and it's the stupid shit like this that makes me love it.

Man, people here sure are stuck up. I thought it looked pretty fun. Like GTA, but still fun. I wish the hacking played a bigger role than the gunplay, but maybe they'll move further in that direction for the next installment.


I believe that's Sansa on top, not Lysa. I agree with the rest!

The commercials are different, but it seems like maybe one is better than the other simply by being first? And maybe the only reason this is worth writing about is because you're somehow emotionally attached to the Japanese versions?

With all the new shiny social features on the new consoles, is there anything that actually lets you find your actual friends? I've been a gamer for a long time but have never really bothered to make friends through Live or something like that and I don't really enjoy exchanging gamertags with acquaintances like I'm

Ok this looks a lot better. The story still sounds awful, but the game actually looks like it could be good.