
Yes. This does not need to be "dark" at all. It just reminds me of the Prince of Persia sequels that took an amazing game and then added in... well, everything you mentioned above. How is this still considered good in 2014? This has '90s eXXTREME all over it.

This looks awful. It does not look like a game coming out in 2014 muchless on PS4 and XBone. Game of Thrones is rubbing off on it a little too much and how the hell is the "Bonus Dark Ranger" costume supposed to be a bonus? Someone saw this and thought, "I know, lets make an add-on that's even darker." Do people like

So everything "wrong" with the movie is basically stuff they don't like for arbitrary reasons. Cool.

Yeah, but then everyone thinks that since three is the magic number, you wouldn't do it again. So you go for the fourth. Comedy gold.

Dead on. Also, I frickin' LOVE The Rocketeer.

That's pretty cool. Important question - is the younger version of your character representative of your actual stats/gear at a lower level? It's awesome as is, but that would seal it for me.

Is anyone else here legitimately looking forward to the Amazing Spider-Man 2 game? I might pass on the movie, but Spider-Man 2 was one of my favorite games ever for the web swinging and this looks to be the first time anyone else bothered to take a stab at replicating it.

I don't know. Five minutes of menu screens don't sound as interesting.

Thank you - I associate it with Kick Ass more than anything (Thanks Nic Cage! No really, thanks!) but I knew it was in plenty of other stuff.

He's got some great movies, especially when he spoofs himself. Which is a lot. True Lies is one of my favoritest movies of ever (and not only because of Jamie Lee Curtis) and I've been meaning to go back to see Last Action Hero as an adult because I have a good feeling it somehow got better with age.

Everyone's got their own challenges. The important thing is that you rise above them.

I like. But this looks very Penny Arcade.

They could always change their tune, but they have put out a statement saying there are plenty of other open world games set in present day and they're not going to do anything that involves cars. Also, I love the hand-to-hand combat in AC, and having enemies that (should) primarily use guns would just kill it. I

I know this is alpha, but it already looks good. There's a certain grit to it that I feel other games lacked. When in Rome or Istanbul or whatever, everything always seemed so tidy. I like how Paris looks lived in and sort of dirty while still being beautiful. You know, like Paris.

Well damn. That's a lot of people.

Props to Blizzard for keeping WoW alive. I had no idea people still played. Do people still play??

Both Zeke and Cole are terrible. Cole is some '90s idea of what counts as "eXtreme!!" and Zeke is an annoying rockabilly weirdo - no offense to anyone who self-identifies as rockabilly. I was just really annoyed by Zeke every time I heard his voice.

So they're in the metro area but not the city proper. This exists in pretty much every city everywhere. I live in Denver which is technically only 600,000 people even though the metro area includes 3 million. And almost all of them say they live in "Denver." It's not something to get uptight about.

You managed to buy a PS4 already but don't want to shell out for the games? That seems backwards.

They don't have this feature on the 360 do they? I disconnected my Kinect because it would freak out every time I moved.