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Maybe this would be offensive if I were actually in Japan and seen as an outsider? This is a stereotype, yes, but it's not a particularly harmful one imo. As a white guy in the U.S., where white people rule the media and nine times out of 10 portray a different race as a stereotype, I am not bent out of shape. Here

Sigh. I wasn't going to buy any more games until I made it through my backlog, but here I go buying Blacklist. FYI - there are still a couple in the warehouse deals as of 1:15MT - go get one for $14

My expert business consultation here: Nintendo needs to 1. Become the Indie platform since there's no way it's going to keep pace performance-wise with upcoming third-party games. 2. Make a goddamn home console Pokemon game. They know it's what everyone really wants, and they know it will move hardware.

Ideally, yeah, but why on earth would any market-driven solution be any better than what your current cable setup looks like? Cable companies are the ones we're talking about here, and they already have near-monopolies in many areas and I don't know a single person who is happy with and/or has any control over what

Hey me too! The credits are rolling as I type this. I just finished it and was blown away.

Don't be the guy who flicks a single rubber band off your thumb and thinks they're a killer. Be the guy who takes Jesse Ventura's minigun from Predator, loads it with hundreds of rubber bands and destroys entire classrooms with it.

impossible = I don't want to, and you can't make me.

I'm not actually interested in this game because it's still just another multiplayer shooter at its core, BUT, I do have a very strong urge now to pick up a platformer for the first time in years. Ratchet and Clank might be in my future.

It's sad that $4 is seen as "expensive" but I'm right there with you. I've rarely played a mobile game that I've wanted to play longer than a week. Anything more than 99 cents just feels like a waste.

For sure. In reality, most people wouldnt see an incentive to murder you on sight. Its beneficial to work together - things get done quicker and youre safer from predators like other people or, yknow, zombies. Even if the game did something like giving you less loot from a corpse vs. a gift or something, that might

"No Donnie, these men are nihilists; there's nothing to be afraid of."

Yeah, the "no competition" thing makes no sense. That's what nature is - competition for the "resources" Superman mentions in the comic. Within species, between species, everything competes to survive. Humans simply do it on a grander scale.

Hopefully there's something to break up all the sneaking around, but I think stealth games are fun - especially when they're this tense. I think it looks pretty good so far - it's definitely the right approach for the Alien franchise.

You're right, we shouldn't blame the gun. But we can't really abolish stupid people, now can we? If I end up having a kid someday, I already know I'm going to hear about shit like this and just panic about them going anywhere. I already worry about my girlfriend who works in a school because there's the possibility

I'm sorry, what now? Helmets? Where do they get helmets? In Alien, the thing was born on the ship - that should all be natural stuff.

I did not know this. I haven't had a Happy Meal since I was a lad.

Dammit. Now I'm going to have to go to McDonalds. And then, if my childhood experiences continue, when I get Ice King, I'm going to have to go to McDonalds again and again and again until I get one of the good toys.

I found that scheduling play times with friends would work - for a while. Eventually outside life interferes and people would miss the play date and it just all unraveled. Now, my gaming usually happens late at night or a weekend afternoon when I'm done with the real-life stuff I have to do.

Right on - My problem right now is that I like story-based games but don't have enough time to dive in.

Funny you look at it this way. I saw it as "I got this PS3 to go with the copy of The Last of Us I just bought!"