Booo advertorials! Someone could have at least tried to make this not sound exactly like a press release.
Booo advertorials! Someone could have at least tried to make this not sound exactly like a press release.
I'm simultaneously playing GTAV and TLoU right now. I love The Last of Us. No, no. I LURRRRRV The Last of Us.
I can't figure out if this is serious. What makes it effeminate? And I assume "fruity" must refer to fruit flavor, like candy, right?
I was going to make some snarky comment about wanting to see him try to swing that on a chain, but after watching the video, all I can say is damn. That thing is terrifying and awesome all at once.
I agree. I don't think they need to "get real jobs" but if they have a problem with YouTube, they're free to show that YouTube needs them more than they need it by taking their content elsewhere.
I'm disappointed to see you haven't responded with an actual criticism of the gameplay. I just started the game and I really like it. The action is far more tense than almost any other game I've played (especially this generation).
I'd be interested to see a "reverse-language" version, but I imagine the editing would be a nightmare to put together a full cut for both languages. But who knows - maybe they're planning a major Japanese release this way?
About time MS got on board. One of the primary reasons I just bought a PS3 is because of its extensive backlog of HD remakes and digital copies of PS1 and PS2 games. If Xbox gave the same treatment to their classics (and priced accordingly, like Sony does) I'd be more inclined to buy them.
I like the idea of Batman being a lunatic who just plays relatively harmless practical jokes on criminals and putting "Bat" in front of everything.
Well Im going to mix up the hate here by saying I'm looking forward to seeing it, whether that's in a theater or on Netflix someday. I like the number of sci-fi movies coming out now, anything to mix up the superhero movies and sequels. This trailer alone isnt enough to form an opinion bout the whole movie.
Nah, all their rockets and bullets will bounce off, but he'll eventually just fall ill and die because of his maladjusted immune system.
And then replace Bastion with Shadow Complex.
I actually agree. I have only had a 360 this generation up until a week ago, but I started realizing that everything I played was multiplatform, and all the games I hadn't yet played but still wanted to were on PS3. It's a great console - I think the overall experience blows playstation away - but MS didn't really put…
A very strong list indeed. I agree with you about Viva Pinata. I think I was maybe "too cool" for Viva Pinata when I first got my 360 but it really is a solid, fun game that I think everybody forgot all about. Even better, it's one of the most "out there" games that MS ever made and that's exactly what I look for…
I was actually thinking how silly the physics on those dump trucks looked. They're able to lift each other off the ground simply by bumping into each other - it's like they're all just Tonka trucks or something.
I agree that the pronunciation doesn't matter. Which is why I can never decide on a pronunciation of caramel or Caribbean. Let's just agree that we can all be right.
I agree. There are far more sexist characters out there than the rebooted Lara. She was one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite games this past year. BUT even though she was the badass who saved everyone, I still can't help but think a male character wouldn't have been portrayed the same way - mainly in…
The sexism was semi-satirical. The problem is that satirizing women is not really the same as satirizing Fox News or hippies. There aren't any female characters who aren't just stereotypes. And even though Rockstar said the game is all about the masculine identity and all that, that just seems like BS to get out of…
Semantically, a shelter that does not exist and has not been referenced to yet probably wouldn't get a definite article, so "the shelter" would be something he already has. But then again, Han can talk however he wants, it's a crisis situation.