
Oh, Honey, Carrie Fisher had so many pressures on her sobriety that you do not have. She was carrying a heavy load — of loneliness, of mental illness, of fame, of having to be “Carrie Fisher” for all of us. I’m deeply saddened that it killed her, but not surprised. I not only hope but expect that you will be able to

MistressBabylon, from a fellow woman in recovery: For me, it’s more helpful to think of recovery not as a “win or lose” thing. Life is long, stuff happens, we’re all doing our best. Fisher was an addict by the age of 20 and had bipolar 1, which poses a serious suicide risk, to boot - and yet she lived to age 60 and

I hope you’ll think twice about what you tell your goddaughter, Juben. Plenty of good, strong, kind people become addicts, for a lot of reasons, including family predisposition. I’m a recovering alcoholic and I’m a strong person, a good wife, a loving mother, and a responsible member of society. I’m sober now, but I

Ahhh. Thanks. This got me tearing up at work.

You will be fine. You don’t need a hero. Keep going.

Hey there. Recovering heroin addict here, 10 years clean. It can be done. It’s hard, harder than anything, but possible. I wish you all the best in your struggle. I’m sure you already know this but it can’t hurt to remind you - your addiction does not make you a bad person despite what that idiot upthread thinks. It

I’m also an alcoholic and certainly didn’t grow up idolizing them. I share your sadness and hopeless feeling from this news. Best wishes in your recovery. We can do this.

Keep fighting. I don’t think addiction is the sort of thing a person ever truly “beats”, but it is possible to stay sober and healthy if you keep working towards it - I’ve seen it. Carrie may not have been a perfect role model in that regard (your strength and success is not tied to hers!), but that doesn’t mean she

Sure. Make sure you tell your goddaughter that you aren’t a good person, either. If only you’d held yourself to a higher standard, you might feel some empathy, or understand that people can be good and be flawed at the same time.

thanks for your kindness and openness. and you’re welcome.

What? “She was not a good person.” Because she was sick? God forbid your child should ever have any form of mental illness. I feel sorry for her already.

It’s difficult because everyone has stuff like this in their life, and if it doesn’t affect their health it affects something else (their ability to contribute to their community, the love they are able to give others which in turn affects that person’s mental health/susceptibility for addiction) but addicts have to

This hurts to hear, but is important for me and presumable others to hear. I’ve commented before about being an addict. I held her up as being someone who was over it. I have to remind myself daily that addiction is never, ever over. Fuck, though, it breaks my heart and is pretty discouraging.

Rest in Power, Carrie. Addiction is a daily struggle and you are never fucking cured of it.

drugs= death for us addicts. pretending otherwise as to not “stigmatize” the addiction IS stigmatization. let’s be open and honest. drugs kill us in more ways than OD.

If only the same compassion and logic were applied to all addicts and people suffering from mental illness, regardless of fame or socio-economic status.

“I am not shocked that part of her health was affected by drugs,” he continued. “If you want to know what killed her, it’s all of it.”

Even in death the woman continues to be a catalyst for important discussions about women’s mental health, and addiction. Thank you Carrie.

ICE is now taking the position, as espoused by DHS Secretary Kelly and ICE head Thomas Homam, that they will act to the full powers given to them by law and essentially will not compromise on anything for humanitarian purposes, for virtually 99.99% of cases.

Several of the children spent several hours at Pitt’s house in Los Angeles Saturday morning. They were seen being dropped off in a Suburban.