Now playing

Evening everyone, Mortem is still playing with his bucket and spade, so it’s time for the UK roundup!


Maher didn’t radically misjudge the mood. He doesn’t give one damn about “the mood.” He’s simply racist. And sexist. And a narcissist. If people laugh, he’s affirmed. If they don’t, they just don’t get it or are too shackled by “political correctness” to be “with it”. But he’s never been with it. He’s an old troll in

Hacks with props make me pine for George Carlin ever so much. He would crucify Trump 111 ways to Sunday with only a mike, stool and glass of water.

I’d rather attempt to give my cat a bath than watch this.

With Mother’s Day coming up tomorrow, I just wanted to share the story of when I was eight and my mom threw a can of creamed corn at me in a grocery store. In her defense, she did yell “Here, catch!” as the corn was halfway through its trajectory; just in time for me to look up, ensuring it hit me square in the face.

🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶

OK. Listen. I know everyone (except Yetta and Tallblonde) is going to pop in here talking about how you’re not falling in love with Harry. You’re going to list all sorts of reasons. On one hand, count yourself lucky not to have become ensorcelled by this alien in his inescapable web of fascination and dimples.

Based on that pic I will refer to him as Clairol Shag Mullett and nothing else.

Amen sister!

This is a GOOD RANT. You keep on ranting, ladyfriend.

If she wants to experience discrimination for being Caucasian, then she needs to spend some time in Northern New Mexico.

I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.

She could also take the nice fat check she got from Pepsi and, I don’t know, donate it, to BLM, Planned Parenthood, etc. You’ve got plenty of $$, Kendall, but you might be surprised how good it feels to practice a little altruism.

Unfortunately for all of us, they have found a map towards peace.

I found a wedding invitation from the 20's in a book I bought from a thrift store once, I was so fucking excited. I can’t imagine the surprise and excitement of finding such amazing correspondence!

Good. He’s a piece of shit and must be held accountable for the sewage that oozes from his puckered anus-like pie hole. The gassy ass clown gets to play and live by an entirely different set of standards than the rest of the world does and it needs to stop. He might get a kick out of riling up his obnoxious drunken

I would recommend asking about trazodone for sleep, it’s an old drug originally approved as an antidepressant, with very few side effects aside from making you sleep like the dead. It’s not habit forming in the way that a lot of sleep drugs are, doesn’t interfere with the quality of your sleep (the way that benzos

Of course police told them they did nothing wrong; prostitution is completely legal in Horry County.