
An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

I read a tweet yesterday and I couldn’t believe it. Really, dude? You’re a growing ass man who is running a government department. You have other more important things to worry about.

Pres. Manbaby Circus Peanut: “To the Iranian people and all those around the world celebrating Nowruz...I wish you freedom [far away from me], dignity [this word was on my word-of-the-day calendar], and wealth [as long as I know I have more than you].”

Tough Skins! Winnie the Pooh Shoes! The Smell of Popcorn! A Real Candy Counter! Huge Toy Department! School Clothes Shopping in August! 10 Speed Free Spirit Bikes! Santa Pics at Christmas! Giant Christmas Catalog to peruse with a greedy heart!

World’s worst Brawny ad.

The Taking Tree

This is the most disturbing version of The Giving Tree I’ve ever seen.

Resting rich face.


Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

My grandmom delivered for them until she was in her early 90's. She was older than most of her visits. As you’ve noted there was so much more to it than the deliveries. And she always said that what she gave was so much smaller than what she got. In a lot of ways I’m very glad that neither of my grandparents are here

PBS’s children’s programming was actually created with the intent of serving households where the children could not attend things like daycare or pre-K. That was the POINT of it. It was designed to serve the households that were most at risk of not getting sufficient educational material. If you’re a single mom or a

Why the fuck does Pence always look like he’s about to introduce legislation to outlaw the X-Men?

Ah yes, let’s have women go to nursing homes for mammograms, the dentist for Pap smears and whatever the fuck else.

“Such a great country that allows you to be here.”

Was that body blindfolded and carrying a scale?