
I learned to appreciate literature thanks to some incredibly awesome teachers. I found my people because of band classes (low-brass shout-out). I had a US history class that didn’t just focus “We’re #1" but actually talked about the darker things the US has done without sugarcoating it. My AP calculus BC teacher

I’m sitting at work, with you in spirit. I have 3 kids in public schools. All 3 will have her policies come down on them and at this moment if I could afford to send them to private school I would.

I am a public school teacher. I am sitting at my desk, which is in a classroom in a public school full of minorities and SpEd students, and I am weeping. I have about 9 minutes left on my lunch break, and I don’t know that I can pull it together in time. I am crushed, absolutely gutted. I am afraid for my students, I

Mike Pence can go fuck himself. Ditto for all who endorsed her.

i’m not entirely sure either of those things were a conscious decision on her part.

Worst. Cheerleading. Squad. Ever.

“Frederick Dougie Fresh, a terrific guy. One of the best.”

Good for them, babies are great. That photo, though....that’s pretty fucking awkward.

So 4.5 million people, then?

image h/t: Penultimate Straw, b3ta.com

Wooooo Go Sportsball!!

I was almost not going to post this one because it reduced me to tears and my friend is threatening to take my laptop away from me unless I go to sleep, and I don’t want to put you guys through everything I’m dealing with.

I didn’t take this one, but it’s quickly becoming my favorite.

I think I was about a half-block behind you! Here’s my favorite from Madison.

Sadly I had/have to work today, so I couldn’t get many shots, but I took the time for these. Both from the SF march.

My favorite one from the DC march. Still makes me giggle. :)