
I go the other way and just let everyone know in advance I’m going to call them Blake.

In what sick world does he get to be the head of the department he said he was going to eliminate? If I said that I don’t want a raise, will I get one?

Today was nice. I spent the day with a friend (and former colleague) and we have this really lovely friendship that can seem a bit unconventional at times to others, mainly because of our age difference. I’m 34 and she’s 57. I’m single with no kids and she’s married with three daughters who are all in their early

I feel this so much as a Menominee woman. In my family, we went from just my grandmother being the only one to finish high school to all of her daughters having college degrees. The majority of my generation has been lucky enough to go to college. Still it’s not enough.

Now playing

Reminds me of this. One of the funniest things I have seen on TV. Partly because Gladys reminds me so strongly of my (very funny and often tipsy) late grandma.

Although I don’t have a medical degree and am a man, I’ve decided to pursue a head OB/GYN role since I spent the most formative parts of my life in utero. You’re an inspiration to us all, Dr. Carson.

Hot take: Andy Cohen is about as appealing as a picnic at the needle exchange.

No, fuck Debbie Wasserman Schulz, because if she’d been on top of the voter suppression issues, as head of the DNC in charge of federal level office elections, this election would be very different. This stuff was in the papers, it was a coordinated plan playing a long game, and she was too busy taking payday loan

Vapid and Stockholmed.

Squinty and Stepford-ish work better.

No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet.

We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.

It’s like every person you hate assembling to form an Asshole Voltron.

His transition team is literally our worst nightmare.

Contrary to what Loverboy says, Looks like not everybody is “Working for The Weekend”

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows

>A wheelchair AND a neck brace... look, seriously, how can this poor old guy possibly be a danger to ANYONE...

I like candidates who weren’t rushed offstage, okay?

Nah, Trump sensed a draft come into the room, so he was dodging it.

Thing were dicey with the grandma funeral—she was intensely Catholic, and I haven’t been to church in nearly ten years, which I know broke her heart and my mother’s, too. Both love(d) me A LOT and were very loving towards me and supportive. Still, mom gives me quite a bit of grief about not going to church and being a