
This is what pisses me off about this. In most mental health care facilities workers are generally paid less than $12 dollars an hour to non-violently deescalate situations like this. My mom worked in a group home and got punched so hard that she had a black eye for over a month, and if she had retaliated or hurt

I played sports in high school, and we did not talk that way about women in the locker room.

The banhammer is gone, but your repetitive Donald Trump jokes are making me consider bringing it back.

Hi, I have never posted before in one of these threads, but I am feeling lonely. I have a thought to surrender to the void.

I’m going to vote in person before work so I can wear my sticker all day. And if I see any voter intemadation I’m recording it before calling the DoJ voter intemadation hotline.

Honestly, if I was the passenger who fell ill I’d be mad as hell too. You nearly let me die because you’re racist and sexist? There was a qualified doctor offering to help and you GOT IN HER WAY? I’d be fucking furious.

My experience with Delta, as a brown lady. Three years ago, flying from a meeting in Detroit to SF, standing in the premier line. Gate agent repeatedly tries to shoo me out of the line a good 10 minutes before boarding was going to start. Mind you he approached none of the other (white, male) passengers in the

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

This is some awful terrible shit, really. U.S. politics really don’t need MORE divisiveness and hostility, and while one might say trolling repugnicans into their own civil war is for a good cause - well, the only thing one can say to that is that the only thing worse than a two-party system is a one-party system.

Yeah and Canadians are still kind of annoyed about that apparently! It came up at a legal conference I was at last week in Canada. One of my Canadian colleagues noted that Canada only went to the metric system because the US said it was going too, but then the US bailed but by that point Canada had gone too far down

Apparently this was all a big misunderstanding... Trump really grabbed women’s purses.

The most serious issue of this election is not Donald Trump. It’s people who support Donald Trump.

You’ll have to excuse me. I HAVE TO GO CATCH UP WITH MY SKIN.

This is why aliens won’t talk to us. Our culture and “civilization” are absurd and disgusting. Filled with primitive assholes like Trump and his ilk who act like/defend this bullshit.

That letter is a fucking 10, nailed the landing.

My fanfiction is that they go to the polls together for the photo op, she comes out of the booth with an HRC sticker on her coat and hands him divorce papers as she sashays on out of his life.

Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.

Literally the worst of all possible worlds.

It’s going to be rough for her but if she has parents who teach her that she doesn’t have to take harassment and assault that will make things much easier. So many of us took the harassment and assault because we were taught that it’s our fault, that it wasn’t that bad, that we are hysterical, etc. It took most of us